There are just some things a team manager can't provide...Skittles, popcorn, a Sprite...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: Kentucky Sports
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Timeoday2 months
Kentucky is like UNC. They claim to be a basketball school.
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Swamp Angel2 months
That's why they aren't very good at football. The ball isn't round and it bounces funny when you try to dribble it down the field.
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johnboyjax2 months
Reading title I fully expected a player in full uniform helmet at concession stand.
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POTUS20242 months
What is Stoops' buyout? Is he trying to get fired?
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$44 million. lol
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lsuwins32 months
How did he pay for it? Did he have his wallet in his uniform.
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BlackPot2 months
Looks like a guy on the team that wasn't playing. Most likely had his wallet or phone for tap pay. I came into this fully expecting to see a guy in shoulder pads buying candy.
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momentoftruth872 months
Idk how Matt Jones has a job in the first place because he’s an idiot.
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