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Kentucky QB Terry Wilson will be honoring former Wildcats QB Jared Lorenzen, who passed away in July, by wearing these custom "Hefty Lefty" cleats...

Per KSR...

The plan is to wear the shoes in the first game of the season this coming Saturday; but with the recent announcement of Jared Lorenzen Day on October 12, I suppose Wilson could hold off until that date. I know the plan as of last week was still to wear them against Toledo, though — so we’ll see.

“Coming to Kentucky and seeing all the history that he made, and all the big games he went through, and all that he did for this program, it was huge,” he said. “So when I saw Jared’s passing, I felt like I had to do something. I felt like I needed to show my honor and respect for him and his family and this university.”
Filed Under: Kentucky Sports
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Hawgnsincebirth5565 months
Pretty damn cool
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MasterAbe165 months
I'm a Terry Wilson fan now. Also whoever custom painted those cleats did a really good job
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wadewilson65 months
That's awesome
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