Kentucky head coach John Calipari's daughter, Megan, posted this pic of her mother and father back on their wedding day back in 1986...

Filed Under: Kentucky Sports
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Kentucker104 months
Strong couple. Sometimes wealthy people are happy in their marriages.
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SECdragonmaster104 months
Harry: Nice body.

Lloyd: Yea. He must work out.
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Cheese Grits104 months
30 years married, good for them.
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GoldenDawg104 months
Calipari used to be Bob Saget?
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saint tiger225104 months
Wtf Larry? Your material is progressively getting worse. And it's not like you started with room to spare.
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Hugo Stiglitz104 months
I would hit it.
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ellunchboxo104 months
Pulitzer material there Larry.
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