Georgia DB Rico McGraw had to leave the game with an injury after one of his coaches smacked him in the head....
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Filed Under: Georgia Sports
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MikkUGA106 months
Rico did not leave the game. He was back on the field right after that.
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PhilipMarlowe106 months
Hate crime.
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Whiznot106 months
You will never find a bigger moron than this coach.
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SaintsSBXLIV106 months
I love how players want to sue for brain injuries years after their careers are over, but the entire time they play they head butt each other in celebration.
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LSUswanny106 months
He used to coach at LSU.
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Voorhies7106 months
Son are you injured or are you hurt?
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Murray106 months
He watched him whip but missed the nae nae
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GTSwarms106 months
that man should be arrested. What a piece of shite garbage of a coach.
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Hugo Stiglitz106 months
Microcosm of the Georgia football program.
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