Atlanta Pastor Loses His Mind During Sermon About RB Nick Chubb's Return
Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports
When you love God and Georgia RB Nick Chubb equally, you get this kind of sermon from Atlanta pastor Dr. E. Dewey Smith Jr....
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RECConspiracy101 months
You can always depend on the "name it claim it" crowd for crossing that line between being topical and sacrilegious. They are also good for pimping democrats from the pulpit.
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Patrick_Bateman101 months
Beneath all the theatrics is a pretty good point.
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hogminer101 months
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heypaul101 months
What'd he say?
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Goombaw101 months
I dunno, I kind of agree with him. If you can get excited about football, why can't you get excited about your religion? I don't really get the humping motion though...
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HarryBalzack101 months
Is he skull fricking a deaconess under the pulpit?
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BILLFISHER22101 months
Why is he humping the podium?
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Ignignot101 months
thats beautiful
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snake23101 months
Jesus Christ. I don't know what to say
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