Shanna Lockwood-USA TODAY Sports
Bo knows honesty. On Wednesday, Auburn's superstar alum, Bo Jackson, was asked about his thoughts on this year's Auburn football team going into next season. His answer might surprise you...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Auburn Sports
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ChexMix28 months
Take off the mask Bo. Makes you look dumb
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epicopt11628 months
Yeah!! frick auburn!
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TouchdownTony28 months
Till the iron bowl.
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SECSolomonGrundy28 months
Saw him at a celebrity golf tournament a couple years ago. I didn't speak to him but everyone said he was an a-hole.
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Morpheus28 months
Literally the first person I’ve ever heard say that about him. He is different no doubt about it but hardly an a hole. Maybe some Betas felt uncomfortable around him which can happen though.
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Vacherie Saint28 months
I want to go on a hunt with that guy
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Vacherie Saint28 months
I want to go on a hunt with that guy
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Kankles28 months
Nice way to put it.
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FowlGuy28 months
Good for him.
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Mahootney28 months
Bo Knows.
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