Paul Finebaum Makes Weird Claims About Bama Underachieving With 4 Of 8 Titles
Shanna Lockwood-USA TODAY Sports
ESPN analyst Paul Finebaum made some comments that were making the interweb rounds on Monday about Alabama being underachievers for only winning four championships out of last eight years. Or he's just talking to talk...
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Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Luke94 months
Saban relies on superior recruiting, nothing more.... He is not a great game day coach.
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IAmReality94 months
To be honest, he's kind of right. Alabama has let 2-3 titles get away they really should have won.
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CrimsonCrusade94 months
Take so hot it gave me third degree burns.
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kjntgr94 months
He's 100% right, when you go 10 years In a row with number 1 recruiting classes, why should you ever lose a game. Not to mention the best facilities coaches ect
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