Nick Saban Thinks Standard For Success In College Football Too High
RVR Photos-USA TODAY Sports
When talking with’s Dan Murphy on Wednesday, Alabama coach Nick Saban said he feared that having a four-team playoff would raise expectations too high for certain programs and devalue other bowl games...

“I don’t think there’s any question about it,”“In some circumstances, I saw it happen this year. Coaches who won nine games and averaged winning 9.5 games over 15 years lose their job. Based on what standard?”
Is he right?

Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Tom Bronco105 months
Only college football coaches think that their incredibly overblown salaries shouldn't be linked to job performance. And three or four of those nine winning games are against vastly inferior opponents who are much smaller schools or who don't emphasize football.
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Luke105 months
At almost 10 mil a year? Ha.... Take a 95% pay cut then, goes for the entire profession
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Pavoloco83105 months
Nine wins forever means you never get to the championship. Periodically you have to excel above that. Sorry Nick you set the standard yourself brah.
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BlackPawnMartyr105 months
Hopefully wet get more overrated teams in the final like that shitty team we beat 21-0.
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Rabern57105 months
He just knows his chances of winning a NC is slim to none having to play 2 good teams. The odds getting an overrated ND team or putting out 2 teams' star QBs are slim.
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JRDawg77105 months
He's just playing mind checkers because the Richt firing cost him the secret to his success. Suck it up Nicky.
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