Favorite team:Auburn 
Interests:Auburn football
Number of Posts:13376
Registered on:1/19/2010
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[quote]Will The National Champion feel watered down now?[/quote]Its so much worse now than season where teams play one or no good teams and make the NC. It feels so watered down to watch a team that everyone thought was great get blew out instead of being handed a trophy for playing no one....
[quote]Hes still riding Saban's coat tails. Dude has to produce results like Saban to keep it up. [/quote]All the 5* talent under Saban got enough into the NFL to make it look like Bama was making them and thats helping him alot right now. Let Bama drop off next year and see how fast the media deem...
[quote]Poor Aubarn[/quote]They know who buys their magazines just because they rank their team and who doesn't. They don't even try to guess right anymore....
[quote]So it took him 0 minutes to match AU?[/quote]Already looking for excuses to deem him great and he hasn't coached a game at Bama. If he doesn't make the PO this year yall will quickly turn to what Saban done....
[quote]And more playoff games than Auburn in it’s entire history[/quote]Still zero at Bama....
[quote]Coach DeBoer's career record: 104 wins, 12 losses.[/quote]Great record outside the SEC. He's won zero games at Bama too....

re: Kalen DeBoer is an Elite Recruiter

Posted by Rabern57 on 6/18/24 at 12:40 pm
[quote]Coach DeBoer will be happy to remind you barners of the past as well.[/quote]He may be happy losing in the Playoffs. Lets see how long Bama keeps him around to do that....
[quote]and before you stone me, let me say it was some Bama fan friends of mine who pointed this out to me; They are tempering their enthusiasm simply based on the fact that KD played for a natty in the PAC-12 (and lost), but they said Ed O (LSU) and Gene Chizik (Auburn) both WON the NC in the might...

re: Kalen DeBoer is an Elite Recruiter

Posted by Rabern57 on 6/18/24 at 11:52 am
[quote]Number of SEC Appearances in the 10-year history of the 4 Team CFP:[/quote]Already living in the past and he hasnt coaches a game at bama....

re: Kalen DeBoer is an Elite Recruiter

Posted by Rabern57 on 6/18/24 at 11:51 am
[quote]Nice melt,.,,,,,can't wait to watch you melt again in November[/quote]The OP Melted hard enough to cover for any comments that follow....
[quote]CFB is literally bigger than ever.[/quote]At the moment. Once all the money is going to the players and players completely quit caring about the schools that they are at and just the money then the teams will suffer and fans will care about it as much as these pop up football leagues. Trad...
[quote]Its only fitting that Bama boosters killed cfb. Ignoring the change in conferences, all they need to do is pay all the players a set amount and limit transfers and cfb will still remain relevant and not turn into an amateur league. All the players care about is money and that's the cause ...
[quote]It’s May. Bama fans, folks[/quote]They know. They are trying to get in their laughs before their joke of a season starts and they have to make excuses for Milroe and their HC. ...
They will eventually have to limit what players can make and alot of rules to transferring. You can't have kids going to 5 schools and wasting the teams time recruiting them and coaching them up. If they don't then it will just turn into a grab the best players for a year and have to repeat the n...
[quote]Yeah I’m going to really trust the opinion of a loser that trolled the board for weeks and lost a ban bet, but here he is.[/quote]Still doesn't change that Bama took a miracle to beat them and they had no talent. ...
If the Line holds up and even a couple of the WRs show up then the QB has no excuses. ...

re: Bama A-Day .. no Defense

Posted by Rabern57 on 4/13/24 at 5:50 pm
It's A-Day. DeBoer is trying to convince everyone they are bad and telling the defense to lay down. ...
[quote]I still think he’s overrated. At least by Bama fans.[/quote]Not by them. He did just win the hardest road in history to the Final Four. ...
[quote]Did you watch the presser? Cal was smiling big and HY said Cal wanted the job.[/quote]He wanted out of UK. He would have take about any job that paid his way out and gave him all his terms. It wasn't just because it was Arkansas. ...