While talking to reporters on Wednesday, Alabama head coach Nick Saban's rant included him revealing
© Butch Dill-USA TODAY Sports
While talking to reporters on Wednesday, Alabama head coach Nick Saban's rant included him revealing he doesn't have the internet. Yes, THE INTERNET...
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It's a shame, I think he'd like Google.

(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Gary Busey74 months
"Saban is just a miserable frick" *LSU fans follow his every move.
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JackieTreehorn74 months
LSU fans are like the angry ex boyfriend. Bitter for over a decade. Move on baws.
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Gorilla Ball74 months
I should ask you to start with, but I really don't care lol. if he doesn't have internet, how does he know about twitter? sounds like a fun guy.
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DCTiger74 months
He looks like Karl Childers in those pics. “Some folks call it a Kaiser blade...”
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BoudreauxinGA74 months
Angry little prick of a man. Blah blah blah blah blah, my way, blah blah blah, I don’t really care. He gave a soliloquy not unlike found in Shakespeare only to end with he really doesn’t care. Yeah, right. ??
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vuvuzela74 months
You'd do anything to have him back
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scottfruget74 months
I can confirm this. When he was at LSU, I did some business with the athletic department. Derek Dooley told me that Saban knew absolutely nothing about technology. Said someone had to show him how to work the VCR for game film.
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eddieray74 months
Someone should at least rotated the coke bottle slightly so it doesn’t look like an obvious advertisement.
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Whiznot74 months
I think Nick means that he doesn't control the internet.
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LSUvet7274 months
He’s already making 10 million a year but needs the royalties from CoaCola. .? What a dip
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young man tiger74 months
Man, this guy has changed so much since his days at LSU. It's akin to the dark side of the force gradually eating away at the Sith who weilds it over time until all that's left is a cold, miserable, severely deformed Darth Sidious.
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PEPE74 months
The internet was a mistake.
user avatar
Whiznot74 months
Like your birth.
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JackieTreehorn74 months
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bamafan100174 months
No wonder hes so productive
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Skinny74 months
Im not gonna be the Alabama head coach. SO QUIT ASKIN!
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LC41200074 months
Coach Saban is a great coach but a terrible liar. Love how he answers I really don't care what you media guys say because I don't pay attention to you. But, couple of weeks ago, he made a big deal about the media and others indicating the Alabama schedule was soft. I need someone to get me a media pass so I can go in there and knock that fricking bottle of Coke off the podium or better yet, go up there, open it take a big swig, then spit a big ball into the bottle, close the bottle and put it back on the podium
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EyeTwentyNole74 months
I mean he's the greatest coach of all time but goddamn is he a miserable frick
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dagrippa74 months
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Music_City_Tiger74 months
This man is known liar.
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Ignignot74 months
Um does he not have data on his phone??
user avatar
vuvuzela74 months
We all know that's BS, he's CrimsonBoz on the Alabama Board
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