Nick Saban Says This Is The 1 Area Where He’ll Be Missed Most Today
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Alabama head coach Nick Saban will be forced to sit out today's Iron Bowl matchup against Auburn due to testing positive for COVID-19 earlier this week. While on ESPN’s College GameDay this morning, he discussed the one thing his Crimson Tide team will be missing from a head coaching standpoint today. Per Saturday Down South...

“I think they only thing they’re going to be missing is there are certain circumstances that come up during a game that sometimes you have to make a decision on as a head coach,” Saban said, “whether it’s to go for it on fourth down or personnel decisions, that you’re just not going to be there to make. But, I do think that we have some very capable assistants to be able to handle those situations.”
Sounds like a lot pressure, Steve Sarkisian.
(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Bucktail150 months
Saban will make every single call in that game
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy50 months
If you think Sark is not going to have a hot connection to Saban for the duration of the game, you’re kidding yourself.
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CajunBullet50 months
Sark will be dead up little Nicky's arse, the whole damn game!
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blueboxer111950 months
Sark is busy eating bugers.
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Ghost of Colby50 months
If by eating burgers you mean drinking whiskey to calm his nerves, then yes, Sark is eating a lot of burgers today.
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Hangit50 months
Nobody will miss him. They all think he is a horse's arse.
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