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Fans watching the Pat McAfee Show this week might have noticed that something appeared to be wrong with Nick Saban's right eye. The Alabama head coach explained...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Smokeys Howl10 months
Not only that, but those stats were created when folks only went for it on 4th in the right kind of situation. They were very picky and choosy about when they did it. So if you're just 'going for it on fourth' because of the stats, you're an idiot.
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SquarePizzaRebel10 months
No shite
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PetroBabich10 months
I like Saban's office
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Jabontik10 months
He must be really worried about playing LSU this week.
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Luke10 months
Stroke waiting to happen… calm down lil fella
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Che Boludo10 months
It sounds like he was bringing some fire at practice. I have to say, it's good to see again.
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cajunmud10 months
3.5 points per turnover...good to know, we'll be needing about 3 of those.
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LSUvet7210 months
Should send a message that he can also pop blood vessela in his brain and get a stroke.

Time to settle down Satan and take it easy and know you cant control everything.
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