Marvin Gentry-USA TODAY Sports
Alabama safety Ronnie Harrison took to Twitter on Tuesday to defend his teammates Cam Robinson and Hootie Jones, who were both arrested late Monday for possession of a controlled substance, illegal possession of a firearm and possession of a stolen gun.

Here is what he had to say:

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Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Prettyboy Floyd104 months
Dude's an idiot. This is one of those cases where it's better to keep your mouth shut. You can't defend being up at 4am and getting arrested with 2 weapons one of which is stolen and narcotics in the vehicle. They did something stupid....own it.
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Shakita Bonita104 months
He knows them personally they would never do that. Even though, you know, they did do that.
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TigerStripes30104 months
this guy has a terrible argument in defending his teammates..."I know both of them personally neither one of them would just steal a gun.. Let's be real"....but but he did steal it Mr Harrison...oh and this one.."The same things happen at other schools and it just gets swept under the rug."...would that school be named University of Alabama?....."I hate when something happens to an Alabama player.. Everybody wanna blow it way out of proportion..." maybe because every time something happens it is swept under the rug..def wouldnt want this guy defending me.
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Dan Bilzerian104 months
Dindu nuffin! He knows them.
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JakeFromStateFarm104 months
I respect that he wants to have his teammate's back, but in Ronnie's own words, let's be real. They did exactly what they were arrested for. Really stupid move by both guys.
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Stud Bud104 months
Shut the frick up Ronnie.
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Rocco Lampone104 months
Can't believe the nerve of this guy defending his teammates. He should be kicked off the team too.
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JuiceTerry104 months
Ronnie's a baller. Can't wait to see him and Hootie back there lightin people up!
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vodkacop104 months
Where's that? University of Angola? Maybe you can see him in a different clown outfit at the next rodeo.
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