Alabama junior forward Darius Miles was charged with capital murder on Sunday. So, he coach Nate Oats reached out to someone who he thought had some experience with that - Ray Lewis...
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Lewis famously had a complicated murder case of his own that took place in 2000 after he was arrested for double murder after a Super Bowl party incident in Atlanta that resulted in the stabbing deaths of two men. His murder charges were ultimately dropped in favor of misdemeanor obstruction of justice.
(The Spun)

Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Strannix25 months
Ray what up, look baw one of my players put some work in and um.....
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SomeLSUguy25 months
Next he is going to call Aaron Hernandez... oh, wait...
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Domeskeller25 months
So he was trying to figure out the best way to get his guy off a murder rap.
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PorkDawg25 months
That’s a… interesting choice for advice
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WhoDatNC25 months
When you need expert advice you seek it out from the experts.
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Rex Feral25 months
Cause Ray Lewis knows how to beat a murder charged.
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thermal922125 months
Holla at Jason Williams.
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summersausage25 months
Call Ray Carruth while you’re at it there pal
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cajunmud25 months
I think Ray probably did it, forgot the particulars.
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jbird725 months
Yeah maybe keep that to yourself coach.
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LSUtoBOOT25 months
Probably called OJ too.
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ToppDogg8525 months
Or maybe DC too.
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Shaq4prez25 months
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