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Biography:LSU Grad
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Registered on:2/18/2022
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pizza flavored pringles and water...
[quote]BoA baw in the heart of Dallas?![/quote]Good eye...

re: GMT

Posted by TexasTiger33 on 10/17/23 at 11:43 am
Good Morning all...
How dare you anchor my game thread like that? [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3Rfgp9K7/IMG-0100.jpg[/img]...
Excellent post. The answer is no. He is the LeBron, statistically speaking, of baseball, indubitably......
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[quote]Been a Rangers fan since Nolan Ryan was my guy as a nine year old kid.[/quote]:bow:...
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[quote]Bochy and Chris Young both deserve to have some broad eat their asses from the front after what they’ve done to get this franchise back in the right direction.[/quote]Monty and Scherzer trades plus BOCHY...
[quote]Man playoff baseball is weird. If you would have told me the braves would lose 3 of 4 to the Phillies barely scoring any runs I would have said you were nuts. If you would have given me odds on the rangers winning 7 straight playoff games against the rays, orioles and Astros I would have call...
[quote]Why did the Cowboys get rid of Kellen Moore? Serious question , I didn’t really catch it or notice it when it happened.[/quote]$$$...
[quote]they played ain’t life grand! By widespread panic[/quote]I have never heard of or listened to that particular musical production...