Favorite team:Minnesota 
Biography:Came for the Outback Bowl. Stayed for the laughs
Number of Posts:25
Registered on:1/2/2020
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]They want to quit their jobs and be stay at home moms.[/quote] No, they just want to stay at home....
[quote]Boise to AAC means AAC supplants ACC in P5[/quote] Uh, no....
The AAC West is basically an old pod from the short-lived 16-team WAC with Boise and Memphis....
La Russa was a PED-enabling piece of shite but Pujols murdered that baseball on his own....
If that’s her, she’s had a lot of work done....
[quote]Instead of the Rooney rule, I think the NFL should develop an academy for Ex Players to get into coaching and front office jobs. Like full on academy, and instead of the Rooney rule, teams should be required to take on some ex players as GAs and interview them at the least for lower level coa...
There’s literally a whole series of movies showing why this is a horrible idea......
Jesus, half the team was in a van behind them and had to witness it....

re: .

Posted by SpinYourHead on 1/15/20 at 3:49 pm
It’s beyond doubt that the Virginia governor and his fellow Dems are actively seeking to see violence and death at this rally in order to score cheap political points on the bodies of dead Americans....
This is completely unsurprising to Republicans who live up here. Minneapolis is turning into a third world shithole thanks to the importation of Somalis and it’s starting to bleed into other communities in the Twin Cities and around the state. To give you an idea how suicidal this state is, recen...
[quote]He doesn't need to, he's making more from security than he would from the salary.[/quote] And you know this how exactly?...

re: Jake Fromm appreciation thread

Posted by SpinYourHead on 1/11/20 at 11:01 am
I appreciate his mom.[img]https://heavyeditorial.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/lee-fromm.jpg?quality=65&strip=all&w=780[/img]...
[quote]Does she have a history of suicide bombings?[/quote] Yes, but she’s not very good at it....
[quote]Speaking of that, let's all imagine what Liz Warren's orgasm face looks like.[/quote] Let’s not...
[quote]It's better than getting a Gopher beat down in a shite bowl.[/quote] [img]https://www.denverpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/goldy.jpg?w=567[/img] ...