Favorite team:Ole Miss 
Location:The Sip
Biography:Lil Jon made a fat joke to my face
Number of Posts:30354
Registered on:10/14/2016
Online Status:Not Online

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What an all star cast of a movie Really enjoyed this one ...
She’s in the wrong side of every issue but as usual the MSM will cover for her ...
Corso needs to pull a Biden and bow out and pass the torch to Saban...
It’s always the man made arson climate change ...

re: What are you reading?

Posted by Lawyered on 7/25/24 at 4:43 pm
Lost city of Z- David grann ...
Not one person with a functional brain believes he is capable for a second term It’s a miracle he’s been propped up and drugged enough to make it through the first term honestly ...

re: CNN allowed this!?

Posted by Lawyered on 7/24/24 at 8:15 pm
He was right A week ago all those panelists were saying how bad off Joe was and how energized Trump was And how they now act like Biden is so selfless when reality the big donors held off funding to blackmail Joe into stepping down ...
CNN is treating him likes a hospice patient about to die ...

re: Blood sugar question

Posted by Lawyered on 7/24/24 at 7:17 pm
[quote]Given that I mainly skip breakfast(intermittently fast) could it just be that my body doesn’t LIKE fasting and I just dump a bit too much sugar into my system in the morning to compensate? I do tend to be on the higher end of normal with my cortisol scores.[/quote] The dawn phenomenon ...
This was a pointless diatribe of the same talking points and lies he always says ...

re: "Not at war anywhere in the world"

Posted by Lawyered on 7/24/24 at 7:08 pm
This random whispering I can’t understand what he’s saying half the time ...
It’s taken 3.5 years and look at the progress lololol What a joke he is ...
He says he’ll confuse to lower costs for Americans Thanks Joe !!!! You’re doing an amazing job...
This definitely is not live lol ...
Would be so on brand to pick that gay chest feeder as his VP Such a pandering freak show of a party ...
Deepfake I’m sure Kamala is so well versed on foreign policy this can’t be true /sarcasm God America is such a freaking joke ...