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Registered on:11/10/2015
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[quote] Impossible. By showing up your showing your support for what the team did. If I were in your shoes, I'd keep the tickets and not go. I wouldn't sell them because I wouldn't want someone else supporting the team. This issue is far from over.[/quote] Hey, Bammer. Your heart isn...
It was well said. But it's far from a mic drop. The truth would be a mic drop. It would be a mic drop if he came and said -- the problems on Mizzou's campus have been exaggerated beyond belief, this entire incident was triggered by lies, and goes back to the loss of grad student health b...
If fans want to make a difference, they should swallow their pride a little bit. Get over the bumblefrick that Pinkel pulled. Get over the fact a few kids got coerced into a sham, which snowballed into the entire team being involved. The best way to make a difference right now is by exposi...
I was really upset for a couple days. I'm still heartbroken. I don't know how Mizzou will ever reshape their image in the minds of the very ignorant public who are mostly incapable of understanding what happened. I get why people are mad at Pinkel. I get why people are mad at the team. I shar...
Adding Info: Gay-black student body president at Mizzou who made the fire-starting claims of racial slurs from pick-up truck and false KKK claims has been a guest at the White House 4 times. I find that interesting. ...
If Mizzou fans/alumni/students want to attempt to save their university you'd think they'd all be shouting these truths and changing the narrative. ...
So.. I'm just curious. Why isn't the truth trumping other discussions on this topic? Shouldn't the truth be at the top of the list? If the truth changes the narrative, then it would change or make irrelevant all things currently being talked about regarding this situation. Hate to thr...
At the very beginning you knew John Butler's family was worth 20 million? You knew there was evidence against the swastika story? Those discovers come from individuals outside of the mainstream media digging for facts. Nevermind, con't faux outrage and enjoy the excuse to shite on Mizzou. ...
[quote] Ferguson is real, brah. Just left there today. Shame on you[/quote] Ferguson is real. The struggle is real. That doesn't mean a fire wasn't started by a certain group to portray chaos, or fake rioting didn't occur ect. Staying on the ball here. Not drifting into a Ferguson talk. ...
Should be a lesson. Even when evidence is clear. And truth is to be told. It doesn't get told. ...
Blocking the photographer was very suspect. It's nice to see people critically thinking about this, and going out and a limb by connecting dots and listening to their 'gut'. ...
[quote]It sucks that it had to happen at a University that a lot of us support but this exposes how far wanna-be career activist will go to manufacture an agenda. [/quote] It certainly exposes the madness of career activism. But doesn't it expose a lot more? [quote]This shows how most o...
[quote] it's particularly easy when the mainstream media doesn't want to know the truth.[/quote] Right. They don't want to know the truth. But it's also that they're obligated to withhold the truth because they're not actually a source for 'news', they're a tool for manipulation and pr...
Maybe the shooting was as big of a hoax as this event at Mizzou? ...

re: The inside of a Mizzou classroom

Posted by Sleepy Magma on 11/11/15 at 2:47 pm
Maybe now people will get interested in the roots of the educational system. Reading Amazon's description of The Leipzig Connection would be a good start. ...
Independent efforts by Mizzou fans uncovered the truth that Jonathan Butler's family is worth over 20 million dollars. Similar efforts brought questions of authenticity to the poop swastika. Photo used online by protestors was found to be a fake, tracing back to a year old reddit thread. UPDATE:...