Vols Fan Puts Kenny Chesney On Blast For Getting On Tennessee Bandwagon
The Tennessean-USA TODAY Sports
After it was announced on Wednesday that Kenny Chesney will headline a concert at Bristol the night before the Battle at Bristol between Virginia Tech and Tennessee, some Vols fans were upset the country singer is jumping back on the bandwagon. Fans like JR here...
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Chesney is a Tennessee native.

Filed Under: Tennessee Sports
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lsu480104 months
Who cares what some little midget country and western singer thinks?
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OceanMan104 months
Dropping in to say That thumbnail pic is just awful looking.
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auzach91104 months
Kenny has always been a vol. I don't get it.
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Prof104 months
I'm not a fan of country music but this guy is an idiot. Kenny produced the ESPN Documentary on Condredge Holloway. He grew up just outside of Knoxville and attended HS there. Yes, he's a performer - of course he caters to the cities he performs in that's part of the show for heaven's sake. Beyond that, this dude is quite strange (he has blindingly white teeth so he obviously cares at least a little bit about his appearance yet he shoots himself shirtless and obviously doesn't manscape that chest or take the time to shave). He also has an accent I don't recognize as being a Tennessee one. Perhaps, he is the bandwagon fan but most likely he's just a random fool looking for attention.
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LSULyle00690104 months
Kenny Cheney had good stuff?
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ChunkyLover54104 months
LINK ...says his hat
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Purple Spoon104 months
Why is that guy filming from a side by side with no shirt on amongst a herd of Holsteins and Kenny Chesney on the brain. Lots going on there
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MykTide104 months
Besides having nice teeth, that's how I picture all Vol fans.
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