Bristol Motor Speedway is already prepping for the Tennessee vs Virginia Tech football game are to be played on September 10th...
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Filed Under: Tennessee Sports
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Prof104 months
More of a spectacle than anything. I doubt those who attend are there to watch the field. They'll be watching the "megatron" which will be the largest jumbotrom/screen ever constructed.

And to the poster who mention Deliverance. That film was filmed in and was about Georgia. ;)
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Ansu Sesay104 months
This is about the dumbest shite ive ever seen.
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essesee104 months
If only they had a kid rock concert or a nascar race going on at the same time. Then it would truly be redneck heaven.
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deathvalleyrox27104 months
Deliverance II will be filmed after the game ...
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150,000 will attend. That's pretty awesome in and of itself.

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sullivanct19a104 months
There's not one good seat in that place. About 150k people are going to leave that place disappointed. This screams of desperation from both teams.
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Doug Masters104 months
Red neck heaven
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TigerFanatic99104 months
Your grammar is embarrassing.
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ForeverGator104 months
Please let the game be played on pavement. I may watch it then.
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WithaRebelYell104 months
Dale Yeah! Can't wait for this, I'm going just because I live in Bristol.
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SamGinn Cam104 months
If you're not first, you're last
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SprintFun104 months
Why would anybody go to this? Even in "great" seats you'd need binoculars.
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