On "Inside The NBA" on TNT last night, Charles Barkley showed up with a bandage around his head. Why? Ernie Johnson asked him and here's what Sir Charles had to say...

Barkley: “Ernie, you’re not gonna believe this. Being the Auburn guy that I am, I wanted to be first class. I went down to the University of Alabama to congratulate the Crimson Tide on winning the BCS Championship - and I got mugged. I got mugged in Tuscaloosa, Ernie, and my credit cards are missing.”

Kenny Smith: “You’re just an Alabama hater, man. Why don’t you leave those kids alone?”

Barkley: “Oh, it’s my fault they’re mugging people.”

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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thatdude1985144 months
@Woverw these are football players that done it....not fans, HUGE DIFFERENCE.
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thanksjhester144 months
The mugger should have taken it one step further.
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ragincajunkarl144 months
I can't tell if he's serious or not. His wound looked really fresh/fake. Makes Alabama look bad if that actually happened though. No reason for a successful program to translate to violence...
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JBearden144 months
Pretty funny ...
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Woverw144 months
Alabama fans are evolving . . . from teabagging to mugging.
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pellietigersaint144 months
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10888bge144 months
Sir Charles :bow:
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Cousin144 months
This is awesome! frick alabama....
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DoubleDown144 months
"Being the Auburn guy that I am, I wanted to be first class."

Not sure if I laughed because of the irony of Charles Barkley saying this or the mention of Auburn.
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LSUCanFAN144 months
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AllEyesOnThree144 months
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