Georgia junior cheerleader, Anna Watson, is ripped. She bench presses 155 pounds, squats 255 and can dead left 230. She also works out an hour-and-a-half, six days a week and takes down 3,000 calories a day. I love the older dude to the right of her bicep gettin' all smiley about his American Gladiator fantasy.

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“I know that my identity is not in working out,” Watson said. “It’s not who I am. It’s not what I want people to see me as. Yes, on the outside, I’m a very fit individual, but when you get to know me, my life is not all about exercise and working out. I think it’s really important to stay grounded and know who you are and knowing that shaping your bicep is not going to shape your personality. It’s not going to shape your goals in life.”
Has Richt thought about playing her at free safety? Jeez.
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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stonedbegonias152 months
Lmao @ the people saying photoshop, dumb o so dumb.
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LSUnowhas2152 months
Imagine the HJ she would dish out. You couldn't handle it! :scared:
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evangelfan152 months
photoshopped (and not even a good job of it)
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evangelfan152 months
photoshopped (and not even a good job of it)
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myree152 months
@ stonedbegonias - bwahahahahaha
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stonedbegonias152 months
"Anna The Barbarian" coming to theaters near you.
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Chicken152 months
Mongol General: Hey Anna, what is best in life?

Anna: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
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Soft_Parade152 months
That's a man baby.
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Mobiletiger152 months
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lsutigerB152 months
That was one of the most poorly written articles I've ever read. Lord it was hard just getting trhough it.
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Im4datigers152 months
Photoshopped for sure.
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SG_Geaux152 months
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damyankee152 months
thats not Britney Spears, thats a man baby!!!
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