Dylan Moses is a ninth-grader at University Lab High in Baton Rouge, LA, and as of last night has decided to take his skills to LSU when the time comes. Moses tweeted on Sunday night...

“Just committed to LSU #GeaxTigers!!”
Here he is in action...

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Placebeaux132 months
Thats not a highlight film, that's a short film about child abuse.
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Ignignot132 months
All he did was hit puberty early. He may be very mediocre by the time he's a senior in HS.
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TJRibMe132 months
Feel bad for the little guy at 2:10.
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chesty132 months
let's see him do it against some competition that is his size
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aVatiger132 months
one of the funniest things i've ever seen was at the 1:07 mark when he just runs straight through that kid
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Clyde Tipton132 months
Dude is running all over those pre pubescent 105 lbs. 8th graders.
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