Not too long after Ole Miss's Marshall Henderson sank two free throws to escape Auburn on the road 63–61 on Saturday, he arrived back in Oxford at a house party with a cans of Coors Light in his hands. Busted Coverage’s Joe Kinsey also points out that, from the looks of it, Henderson (22) didn’t even bother changing into party-going attire, possibly heading straight from the Ole Miss bus to the party.

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AtlBrett144 months
he'll get stabbed soon........those things happen when keepin' it real goes wrong and he acts like a tough guy off the court to the wrong person lol
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High C144 months
dweebs? Present
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tjtiger9144 months
Is he old enough to be drinking in the state of MS?
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MaesterMullen144 months
man, those guys he's taking pics with are freakin' melvins. especially the ginger douche
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YMCA144 months
You can tell by his surronding cast at the party that he isn't as hard as he puts on. I don't know of anyone that tries to act like a tough guy and then hangs out w/ a bunch of dweebs at a frat party. Can he play? Yes Is he a wannabe thug? Yes Would he get his arse kicked if he acted that way around some real mfer's? No doubt about it.
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Hog on the Hill144 months
look at that pudgy kid throwin' up the shocker... straight G
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lighter345144 months
lol at the kid jawwing his lips over his left shoulder in the first pic.
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TheCaterpillar144 months
lol I know a kid in one of these photos.
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Prometheus144 months
Add a racial slur and his coach would approve.
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Breesus2Jimmy144 months
Oxford, MS is the capital of Doucheville.
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Inspector37144 months
Is something wrong with his fingers?
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The Cable Guy144 months
Fellas, he's a college kid hanging out at a party. What's the harm???
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Spaulding Smails144 months
He on the drugs
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TigerATC06144 months
He needs to be punished for hanging out with these tool bags, not for taking pictures while drinking.
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aVatiger144 months
check out those shark teeth, lol
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Florida225144 months
I remember my first beer
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harmonics144 months
The douche-bagginess is overwhelming.....
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615tider144 months
Where are all of the chicks?
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