While the NCAA looks into whether or not Mississippi State DB Will Redmond got a car before he arrived to school, ESPN's Joe Schad is reporting this...

"The Ford Mustang was purchased before Redmond signed with MSU this February from a used car dealership in his hometown of Memphis, Tenn. According to a report from national college football reporter Joe Schad, former Mississippi State receivers coach Angelo Mirando is under investigation for the recruitment of at least one player."
Enter Mississippi State coach Dan Mullen, who was asked about Schad’s report...

“I would try to get a little more reliable source than Joe Schad,” Mullen said. “I’m supposed to be coaching at State College, I guess, right now, too, according to Joe Schad last year. Wasn’t that the case?”
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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nycajun149 months
ESPN has had a practice for a few years now of taking stories from whatever sources they can find (including message boards), and attributing the news to one of their "reporters" in an effort to (i) pretend that ESPN is the original source of all news relating to sports and (ii) give the appearance of credibility to their staffers whose credentials (and abilities) are otherwise nonexistent.
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TigerSpy149 months
Jennifer Hale broke the Tyrann story like a week before Schad if not more. He's a clown.
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Dupree4free149 months
because Tyrann is playing somewhere?

I do agree with him being a douche though
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Camp Randall149 months
I can't say I disagree with Mullen. Schad has been a joke over the last two years desperately trying to break some story. His "breaking" of the news Tyrann won't play this year, anywhere, is yet another example of how full of shite Schad and Espn can be.
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