B.W. Fullington, a Knoxville financial planner, was on the same Houston-to-Phoenix flight as Jon Gruden on Saturday. He claims Gruden was watching the Tennessee game and taking notes rapidly...

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bayouballs147 months
I heard Bobby Petrino was doing the same thing watching LSU. It only took him one line to write down all three of our offensive plays. :(
I'd take him as our OC. Him or Gruden.
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harmonics147 months
The hell. Is Gruden wearing a Raiders shirt?
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tigertown79147 months
Just a thought but he could be taking notes on Tyler Bray if he was to come out this year. Maybe Bray would be on Gruden's QB camp.
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fymbah147 months
Still to this day Gruden watches more film than most head coaches. This guy is a ball coaching maniac and pays attention to the little things. He is A.T.D. like a mother fricker. He probably had to cover them later.
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CSATiger147 months
maybe he was watching the other side, Suppier can't go on forever
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Terry the Tiger147 months
I was on that same plane and saw some of what Gruden was writing.....Reason 14 why I don't want to coach the Vols....
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jdg91878147 months
Love it and hope it happens. I long for the day bama and tenn actually compares to Lsu - Florida in terms of fairness
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Sid in Lakeshore147 months
I know someone who was on that plane. Gruden was actually watching the Lingerie Football League. It's easy to confuse the two.
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TimberTiger3147 months
He just needed to watch something boring to help him nod off !
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