Despite Auburn having their worst start in 60 years 1-6, (0-5 Southeastern Conference) coach Gene Chizik said he has confidence in his assistants and that he feels "a very, very high sense of responsibility" to Tigers fans.

"At the end of every year we go back and we evaluate everything that everybody does, just like we've done every year that I've been here," he said. "We've got five games left. Our one focus for the next five weeks is nothing but trying to win a game, and that's it. At the end of every year, just like we do, we go out and evaluate everybody as I get evaluated."

"I don't ever really think of things for me on a personal level," he said. "I think about everybody around me. I think about the Auburn fans. I think about the players and coaches. I'm the head coach at Auburn, so it's really not about me. It's about everybody else and everybody else's expectations and things of that nature. I don't take that lightly. I feel a very, very high sense of responsibility. This is not where any of us wanted to be, but I also know that the only way you can continue to drive forward and forge forward is keep working at it.

"Our football team fought down to the end again, and they're going to continue to do that, just like the coaches are."

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Tchefuncte Tiger147 months
"What is the difference between Chizik and CLM?"

Are you serious? I'm no Les Miles fan, but c'mon!
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Fireman17147 months
I think he is just trying become the next Nutt in the SEC.. Only not the same between him and Nutt he has won the big game with a rent a QB..
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deaconscholar147 months
SC Tigerman - The difference between GC and CLM? Where to start? Wins/Loses? Talent? Recruiting? Integrity? Consistency? Loyalty to LSU, coaches, players? You must be kidding. Please say it's so.
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SC Tigerman147 months
Two thoughts -
1. We almost lost to these guys.
2. What is the difference between Chizik and CLM?
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Broham147 months
Take away Cam Newton and Chizik is a BUST.
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Stromile Swift147 months
LOL at Auburn. Chizik is a textbook definition of "one hit wonder".
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