Arkansas coach Bobby Petrino spoke at the Little Rock Touchdown Club today and when asked about the plan for this season, the coach replied...

"We need to get to Atlanta and win the SEC championship game,"..."And then history shows that you go to a national championship bowl game and draw one of those slow schools from the north and you beat them."
The coach is obviously referencing the SEC's national title streak that includes two wins against Big Ten member Ohio State, which lost to Florida in 2007, and of course, LSU a year later.

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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rileytiger157 months
But, but, but didn't Ohio State have to forfeit that game? LOL!
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Witecoco157 months
My bro-in-law is an Arky fan. All week leading up to the game, he was saying, "Let those dirty cheaters play. We don't want any excuses for when we win". Lot's of Akry fans around us at the game had the same mentality. Until it was over. Hahaha. Still, no excuses.
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Chicken157 months
In Petrino's defense, Ohio State played with a player that should have been ineligible...
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bakersman157 months
What's he bragging about? Ar-Kansas gets their butts handed to them in bowl games.
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Witecoco157 months
Lol, wow. Didn't Arky lose to "one of those slow schools from the north" last year in a bowl game? If you can't beat them in the Sugar Bowl, why do you think you can beat them in the National Championship?
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