Believe it or not, Tennessee’s Butch Jones is now the most followed college football head coach on Twitter with 146,000 followers. And school isn't afraid to brag about that...
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Filed Under: SEC Football
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DoubleDown118 months
Good God, UT. You've fallen so far you're now bragging about twitter followers for your HC. Dumb.
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Technically Les has 145,550 ... the 146k is rounded.
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hogminer118 months
Does anybody really care?
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tigerwoods118 months
Also, Les has 146k followers too.
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HailFreezusOver118 months
Who cares? Tennessee is hyping everything except their wins, because they have few of them this year.. Sad reach to try and be relevant..

Side note what in the hell is that face? Is he angry constipated.. Thinks hes an action hero?

Most Akward Head Coach in College Football
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Pavoloco83118 months
Most coaches stay the hell off of twitter or have the public relations department do the posting. Saban for instance does NO social media. Malzahn posts rarely and usually through appropriate channels. Richt I think posts his own, but is rare and always politically correct. I dont think HBC posts at all on anything.

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tt54l32v118 months
What is twitter?
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