On SEC Nation Saturday morning, Tim Tebow addressed Florida fans directly with his disappointment in them booing the team...

Filed Under: SEC Football
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Lordofwrath88124 months
Booing YOUR student athlete is never ok.
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tigerbite2124 months
Grow up....Its a show...people pay money (and lots of it) to go to these events...We also holler and yell when things are going good....Lot of people yelling and screaming is part of the game...The coaching staffs are very well compensated (over) and the players are taken care of as well. They are all part of the show and if the coaches don't wanna receive more pay than top-ranked university professors and the players don't wanna hear occasional boos in the stands, then PLAY where the kitchen is not as hot...Sheesh
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Dr Van Nostrand124 months
Yeah....he really ripped them a new one. Nice false post title again, Larry
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earl keese124 months
I agree with Tebow 100% about booing student athletes. Does no good to boo them, makes the people booing look like asses and it is just plain stupid. Of course I know alot of people will say " we aren't booing the athletes, it's the coaches who we are booing". Whatever, it's still stupid.
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