Tim Tebow busted his cohort, ESPN and SEC Network personality Paul Finebaum, napping and has declared it as “Finebauming”...

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diddydirtyAubie125 months
fone clip ghey az phuck.
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Kill Switch125 months
Maybe he was listening to a replay of one of his shows.... :shrugs:
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tigerbite2125 months
Doing what he does best.....The Espn-Sec talk show is an absolute joke. The program should be on radio only in the state where most of the calls originate (elephantville)...4 of 5 of the callers sound like they have been drinking (a lot) or for several days. Wonder how long Espn will tolerate the stupidity and let it continue...or will they just let a sleeping dog lie???
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Grit-Eating Shin125 months
Tebow should have checked his pulse. He looks dead.
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Placebeaux125 months
Dreaming about being Saban's bestie.
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Kyrie Eleison125 months
carrying that purse must be exhausting...
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Coater125 months
looks like a dead baby bird
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