According to Saturday Down South, tickets for November 5th's Georgia vs. Tennessee game are gonna cost ya...
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General4Heisman23 months
Tennessee about to boatrace the mutts
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BigOrangeKen23 months
Vols will hang Fiddy sometime on them!!
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VoxDawg23 months
Tennessee needs to have a conversation with Vegas, if they continue to head to Athens as self-appointed worldbeaters.
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BobABooey23 months
TN by 4 and hedges get thrown in the river.
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CoyoteSong23 months
TN’s fairy tale ends with UGA
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blueboxer111923 months
Looking forward to watching this one.

Georgia D too strong for young TN team.

GA by 10.
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VolNavy9823 months
Didn’t Bama have the #2 defense in the country and was only giving up 17 points a game prior to playing UT?
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NPComb23 months
"young TN team" - Hooker is almost 25 years old
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BigOrangeKen23 months
Bama said the same Vols by Fiddy something!!
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Bulldogblitz23 months
Average game prices in Athens have been stupid high for years on the secondary market....
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