Deshler High School in Tuscumbia, Alabama, lost their head coach Jake Linville earlier this week. To send his condolences, Alabama head coach Nick Saban wrote a heartfelt letter to the football team and told school AD Patrick Smith to reach out if he needs help with anything...
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DannyB119 months
You all need to STFU and this is from an Auburn fan!!! Nick Saban is very familiar with the Deshler football team. Deion Belue, that was one of Alabama's starting CB's until he graduated this past year went to Deshler. This also is not the first tragedy that has happened at Deshler either. Right before the Iron Bowl last year one of Deshler's volunteer coaches was murdered. He and Belue were very close.
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Martini119 months
So you know Nick Saban personally or just pretend you do?
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theknightswhosay119 months
"Not everything in life has a motive."

It does when it comes from Nick Saban.
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Martini119 months
The written word, in a letter not an email or text, is much more personal than a phone call. It is a letter out of respect to a team and school that is in mourning. It shows the respect for humanity his parents instilled in him. Not everything in life has a motive.
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cubsgrace119 months
A nurse that I worked with last year showed me a picture she took at her cousin's funeral - it was a beautiful bouquet of flowers that was "From Nick Saban - Roll Tide." Her cousin had never even met Nick Saban before but he was a high school football player at a school with some big recruits that were at the funeral.
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Geauxld Finger119 months
What recruits attend that school?
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pellietigersaint119 months
yes......nice gesture

a phone call would have been more personal

I doubt Saban threw out a hashtag
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LC412000119 months
So, who is the recruit on the high school team that he is after?
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earl keese119 months
nice gesture by Alabama, but I doubt Saban had anything to do with this.
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Chuckiee119 months
Or maybe, just maybe, he has a heart and decided to do it on his own. He's not a complete piece of shite
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DaveyDownerDawg119 months
So his secretary typed it and then signed it with a auto-pen.....whoopity do!
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