John Reed-USA TODAY Sports
University of Florida campus police were called to Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on Monday evening after two football players were involved in a fight with each other.

The two players involved were freshman defensive end Gerald Willis III and sophomore quarterback Skyler Mornhinweg. Per ESPN:

Mornhinweg told police the fight was over his cleats, which he said were located by the team's staff in Willis' locker. The QB sustained "small lacerations on his lower lip," according to the police report, and was taken to Shands emergency room for treatment.

"Upon our arrival, the individuals had already been separated," university police spokesman Maj. Brad Barber said. "After reviewing with both individuals involved, they each filled out a complaint withdrawal, and no charges were filed."
This is the second off-field distraction for the Gators this week as freshman quarterback Treon Harris was indefinitely suspended on Monday over a sexual assault investigation.

Florida will host LSU in Gainesville on Saturday.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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Mulerider124 months
Willis is thug city. Glad he left Louisiana and went to Florida.
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Voorhies7124 months
GW3 should have went to Oregon.
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SailorGator124 months
someone shoulda told willis that he accidentally passed up free shoes u on the way to gainesville.

hope he gets booted off the team.
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SwayzeBalla124 months
CeCe, we're looking forward to having you in Oxford.
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SECSolomonGrundy124 months
so Willis was stealing Morningwheg's cleats? why?
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Riseupfromtherubble124 months
What a colossal dumpster fire UF has turned into
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