Alabama head football coach Nick Saban was seen on Memorial Day at Lake Burton in Georgia riding his jet ski, and showing off his Peter Dinklage-size guns...

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Pavoloco83124 months
Don't forget the shrinkage factor
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adawgj124 months
In other news, thats a badazz ski he's on.
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horndog125 months
He will probably have tow chics on that thing with him later. One for the ride out..., the other for the ride in.
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DoubleDown125 months
I bet he rides that jet ski like he rides LSU, hard and without mercy.
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Shoulderchoke125 months
I'm surprised he doesn't have a protective helmet and elbow pads on for safety
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Dr. Morgus125 months
a little surprised he knows how to have fun.
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chRxis125 months
that is an epic farmer's tan… but he does look like he's got some pea shooters on him… gotta give him that...
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Riseupfromtherubble125 months
Sweet Dinklage reference Larry.
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