Recruit Elijah Barnett, a senior from Henry Clay High School in Lexington, took photos of these two football helmets he saw while on his visit at Kentucky on Saturday. One is black, and one white, both with chrome logos and stripes. Check them out...
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Will we be seeing these next season?
Filed Under: SEC Football
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Lordofwrath88120 months
Rosesofcrimson - you know UK Basketball has done alt-uniforms before right?

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Lordofwrath88120 months
Rosesofcrimson - you know UK Basketball has done alt-uniforms before right?

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Roses of Crimson120 months
UK's colors are blue and white. I hate it when teams that don't have black in their colors go black. So bush-league. Have no tradition to hold up. You used to turn on the TV and KNOW who you were watching. Now, I have to literally check the guide to see. Even these "one game" deals are bush league. What makes this one game different? Wear your uni, it identifies and connects you with your university.
With that said, I'll bet the basketball team at UK never wears black uni's. The fans would burn down Rupp.
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southernboisb120 months
Hate matte finishes on helmets.
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theBru120 months
Got to impress recruits with something. BB is paying da bills, football 2nd fiddle
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CMDBear120 months
I have no idea why the band is getting helmets?
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OleRockyTop120 months
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LSUtah120 months
Please don't Kentucky...this ain't the BIG12...
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Fireman17120 months
when did KY change school colors?
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DByrd2120 months
I don't hate the white ones... Black should be special occasion only...
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CSATiger120 months
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