Matt Cashore-USA TODAY Sports
The first playoff rankings will come out in three weeks on Tuesday, Nov. 5 but if we were still using the old BCS Rankings, here's what they would look like.

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FLTech64 months
ahh back in the good ole' days
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Scoob64 months
Now, this is just a joke and based on reputation. LSU has the best undefeated resume, probably followed by Oklahoma. Nobody else has played a team that could beat Texas, let alone Florida. Florida, Georgia and Auburn are all funny too. Florida beat Auburn, that's their edge. Auburn beat Oregon, Georgia beat Notre Dame. Of them all, Georgia has the worst loss, and Florida has the best- so I'd go Fla Auburn Georgia.
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cyclingout64 months
And the BCS is still a joke
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BusinessKnight64 months
Didn't Florida beat Auburn and Georgia beat Notre Dame. Yet, the losers are ahead of the winners.
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