Former Ole Miss QB John Rhys Plumlee is now robbing batters of their home runs playing centerfielder for UCF...
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Filed Under: SEC Football
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Ipissexcellence19 months
Weak. Bianco did it better
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Pahnew19 months
Clemson and their hills. How about a warning track and not a stupid sloped hill? You can tell he lost his balance on the slope
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Toptigerfan8619 months
Love the leaping catch 3 feet in front the fence.
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LSUvet7219 months
Bianco's catch was a 10, Ole Piss QB's catch a Hollywood 8.
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Broham19 months
Ball wasn't gonna be gone. That was weak.
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atltiger648719 months
nope, that ball was gone. Not by much, but it was going over the fence.
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