Try educating myself? When you just made a comparison of Casino's and winning to collegiate athletes and Universities, you should really be quiet.
What I love is when you then go further and use the example of many businesses doing this. Yet you're so ignorant you forgot these business do this to EMPLOYEES where as the NCAA refuses to treat the players as employees and continues with the farce of calling them amateurs in order to monopolize on them.
I truly wouldn't expect any of you to understand, most of you never played a down in high school, talk much college and probably have a resentment toward these athletes as being "privileged" when in reality they aren't adequately compensated for what they bring and how much money they generate.
All of this will end soon though. I wasn't properly compensated (lol at the exaggerations of what athletes get by the aubie clown), but I know my kids if they choose to play football will be. Now get mad about that.