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re: OT Emissions Testing

Posted on 8/4/15 at 10:47 am to
Posted by ATLdawg25
Atlanta, GA
Member since Oct 2014
4370 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 10:47 am to

If your "mouse fart in the GA Dome" analogy resulted in the same ppm as the actual proportions in the atmosphere, then I admit it. I am wrong. But since you arbitrarily pulled that analogy out of your arse, pardon me if I don't stick to it to the letter.

If one mouse fart contains 397ppm of the gases being regulated, and the proportions are the same as currently exist in the atmosphere, then I tip my hat to you for putting so much effort and research into what sounded like an overly simplistic analogy.

Ignoring the retarded mouse fart analogy. If emissions from cars frick with the proportions of the gases in the atmosphere (namely nitrogen, which you correctly pointed out makes up the largest component of both atmospheric composition and vehicle emissions), then bad things will continue to happen. The crux of my argument was that the government has two choice: trust people to continually monitor the emissions from their own vehicles, or get them to have a third party verify results.

Serious question: do you believe global warming is a legitimate concern both today and going forward at our current pace?
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 12:38 pm to
No. Anthropogenic global warming is a farce for the EXACT same reason regulating car emissions is a farce.

Anthropogenic air/water/soil pollution IS a problem, however. Pumping toxic chemicals and aerosols into the air, water, and soil is a completely different issue than AGW. Mainly because it's a real tangible problem that can actually be totally quantified. And I'm talking about real toxins and pollutants. And car emissions don't come close to making this table because of their insignificance and ridiculously small amount.

People who believe in AGW are the same folks who are easily sold and persuaded and ultimately put too much faith in people in charge.

Our government lies to us all the time. They take us to war over oil and lie about it. They call previous presidents out for spending $4 trillion of tax-payer money and then they spend $13 trillion. They pander to the population with promises galore to get elected and then do the exact opposite once in. They accept campaign donations in the hundreds of millions and then create legislation and policy that helps donors and themselves get more rich.

It's a world of corruption and pandering and lying and stealing and yet folks like you somehow still believe them when it comes to certain things. Things that are totally based on financial motivations, and you're just buying it without question. Likely because it's a party line subject and you're more interested in blindly capitulating with you party talking points than doing some objective thinking. Because screw those bad guys on the other side. It's not the government that's bad, it's those Republicans or those Democrats, eh?

This is why we're all fricked. Too many people still think it's R vs D. Wake up. It's them vs us, the Establishment vs we the people. When you finally realize WTF is really happening, you'll hopefully see that the folks selling you on financially associated government policies has zero credibility and is just trying to control you for their gain.
Posted by ATLdawg25
Atlanta, GA
Member since Oct 2014
4370 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 12:52 pm to

Anthropogenic global warming is a farce for the EXACT same reason regulating car emissions is a farce.
People who believe in AGW are the same folks who are easily sold and persuaded and ultimately put too much faith in people in charge.

97% of climate scientists (note: completely independent of government, aside from U.S. Global Change Research Program) who express an opinion on anthropogenic climate warming agree that climate warming trends are largely due to human activities.

LINK / (even though you will see the ".gov" in the address and immediately smash your computer and put on the tin foil helmet)

If you think you are right and objective science and research is incorrect, then your ignorance is ending this argument right here.

As for the rest of your post...good lord. Are you ok?

Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 12:55 pm to
Ugh. You're one of those clowns who still posts the bullshite 97% of climate scientists crap.

Like I said, folks like you are exactly why we're all fricked.
Posted by ATLdawg25
Atlanta, GA
Member since Oct 2014
4370 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 1:03 pm to
I'm trying to find the disconnect here. Do you not believe that independent researchers have delved into this very topic? What is your issue with the 97% statistic? Do you believe it to be government-driven as well?

Because I am even more curious - do you keep your assets in government-backed financial institutions?

Semi-related - can I ask how old you are?
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 2:07 pm to
You're regurgitating propaganda. This 97% statistic is a lie created and used by politicians and people who have a financial and/or personal stake in people believing in AGW and agreeing to it being a control mechanism.

Go do some research. Check out the GW Petition Project.. That's 31,400 climate scientists who don't agree with the AGW narrative.

Or the American Meteoroligical Society. Which did a survey of their 1,900 members, where only 39.5% of them agreed with the AGW narrative.

Or here's a site that links 97 articles refuting the "97% Consensus" bullshite. LINK

I mean you're nothing more than a lemming blindly following the masses off the proverbial cliff. You've been sold lies, but refuse to question their validity because you want so bad to believe you're not gullable and mentally lazy and so easily duped and taken advantage of. The fact you're quoting propaganda just proves this.

For the love of God, wake up.

Posted by ATLdawg25
Atlanta, GA
Member since Oct 2014
4370 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 2:32 pm to

Go do some research. Check out the GW Petition Project.. That's 31,400 climate scientists who don't agree with the AGW narrative.

I never said all scientists agree with it. Only the majority, which is also evidenceed by the study you linked from...

the American Meteoroligical Society. Which did a survey of their 1,900 members, where only 39.5% of them agreed with the AGW narrative.

Either you can't read or are making up numbers. When asked "Do you think that the global warming that has occurred over the past 150 years has been caused...", here are the results.
1) Mostly by human activity - 59%
2) More or less equally by human activity and natural events - 11%
3) Mostly by natural events - 6%
4) Don't know/not enough information - 24%

Which means an overwhelming 70% polled thought that human activity has as much to do with climate warming as any natural factors. But I'm sure this is somehow propaganda when viewed in this light, right?


Or here's a site that links 97 articles refuting the "97% Consensus" bull shite. LINK

This is interesting. I will read through some of these.

Even if the 97% figure is incorrect, your own source shows that the majority of experts believe climate warming is fueled by human activity as much or more than natural activity.

With all your talk of propaganda, wouldn't you say that there are just as many folks who would profit from "debunking" climate change?

Posted by DubyaDee40
Member since Mar 2013
105 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 7:19 pm to
You can't reason with people like beefdawg. They'll form opinions based on half facts and then preach them regardless of how little they know on the subject because they've become indoctrinated to it. They've gone too far, and invested too much time to be wrong. You can't change their mind because they've found websites that cherry pick their data and find correlations that don't lead to causations. It's the exact same companies that sided with leaded gasoline back in the day. In fact, it's nearly the same arguments.

And then you're hit with the "Well the climatologists HAVE to fake data in order to get grant money! They get paid for it!" That's like saying you don't believe your doctor because they get paid to diagnose you. It's a moot point however. Beefdawg has made up his mind, and there's nothing an internet board can do to change his opinion on the subject. He can't admit fault. It's not in his nature to be wrong.
This post was edited on 8/4/15 at 7:24 pm
Posted by Jefferson Dawg
Member since Sep 2012
31961 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 7:43 pm to


1 post

So, the breaking point which caused you to burn this two year-old alter.... was someone challenging your climate change religion on the Georgia Sports Board?

Posted by deeprig9
Unincorporated Ozora, Georgia
Member since Sep 2012
63978 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 8:15 pm to
According to Cambridge physics professor David MacKay, burning fossil fuels only accounts for 3.27% of the CO2 emmissions on Earth. The other 96.73% of carbon emissions come from decaying vegetation, the ocean, volcanoes, other natural occurances.

With that in mind, also realize that scientists know the Sun has been going through a warming trend. Temperatures on Venus and Mars have also been warming.

Finally, consider the big picture, historically. There are fossils of dinosaurs and tropical plants, along with fossils of ice-age flora and fauna, all throughout Georgia. Long before the industrial revolution. We already know the climate makes dramatic shifts, sometimes very quickly, without any human intervention at all.

I leave you with this: If humans are able to come together and cut actual carbon emissions globally by 10 percent in the next ten years, and by cut, I mean actual cut, not a cut in growth, realizing this would be a gigantic cut, historic, laughable really, and our complete output goes from 3.27% to 3.00%, do you really beleive it will amount to much more than a mouse fart in the Georgia Dome? Remember.... that 3% is total CO2 emissions, which is only a small fraction of pre-existing CO2, which is only a tiny fraction of the entire atmosphere.

Posted by Tropic Lightning
South Florida
Member since Nov 2006
923 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 8:17 pm to
Emissions testing...I know of cars running around with catalytic converter shells welded on straight pipes...they ain't testin' brah.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 8:39 pm to
Exactly my point as well.

It's just baffling. I mean everyone with a brain knows our government is corrupt as hell and totally frickin us citizens and our future generations, and yet some folks will believe them about this particular topic. Lies upon lies upon lies with regards to everything else in the universe..... but they believe this AGW shite.

Stupid people suck. They're going to bring our ruin.
Posted by SquatchDawg
Cohutta Wilderness
Member since Sep 2012
14184 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 8:47 pm to
As soon as anyone claims carbon dioxide is a pollutant that needs to be controlled I ask for my check. In fact there is research that shows CO2 amounts in ice cores trail high temperatures...not the other way around. Go figure...higher temps lead to more plant growth and decay...which causes an increase in CO2.

We're also coming off a solar maximum and there are already articles being written about how we could be in for some serious cooling over the next couple of decades.

We're going to need more Mexicans in old Silverados to combat the next ice age.
Posted by ATLdawg25
Atlanta, GA
Member since Oct 2014
4370 posts
Posted on 8/4/15 at 10:14 pm to
Hey, if everyone else is so sure, maybe I really am wrong. Time will tell.

In conclusion, I personally don't think emissions tests are a bad idea. I wish they would require all vehicles to pass. That is all.

What I fricking hate the most is that someone decided to create an account to chime in and make it look like I created an alter. I don't put pictures in the middle of my posts!
Posted by DubyaDee40
Member since Mar 2013
105 posts
Posted on 8/5/15 at 8:36 am to
Yeah, I love to lurk on this board but I'm not really a poster. I posted on the old dawgrant a few times before it switched over here to the secrant. I hate getting involved in politics (which climatology should never have gotten lumped into with), but there's 2 topics that I just can't keep my mouth shut on, and climate change is one of them.
Posted by DawgCountry
Great State of GA
Member since Sep 2012
30549 posts
Posted on 8/5/15 at 9:25 am to
Go back to lurking
Posted by ATLdawg25
Atlanta, GA
Member since Oct 2014
4370 posts
Posted on 8/5/15 at 9:37 am to

Go back to lurking

Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 8/5/15 at 9:39 am to
Look, everyone agrees the climate is changing.

Some believe that human contributions to the things that effect the climate are significant and dangerous and some believe it's insignificant and not dangerous.

Then there's the absolute fact that even if we cut human contributions to the things that effect the climate down to zero, meaning a complete stop to all possible human contributions, one year of slightly greater water vapor content in the atmosphere would completely negate our efforts.

Water vapor is out of human control and it fluctuates between 20,000 ppmv and 60,000 ppmv in our atmosphere. If the average water vapor volume goes from say 40,000 ppmv to 40,200 ppmv after we've gone to zero human contribution, then our efforts have been completely for nothing.

200 ppmv of water vapor is equal to the entire amount of human contributions to the things that effect our climate.

Now lets get back to reality. We can't cut 100% of human contributions. We can't even cut 10% without massive MASSIVE global economic change.

So think for a moment about what's really going on. Why are we trying to regulate something that water vapor in the atmosphere, which we can't control, completely negates with such ease?

You know why? Because money, that's why.
Posted by DubyaDee40
Member since Mar 2013
105 posts
Posted on 8/5/15 at 12:47 pm to
My account is older than yours. If anything, wouldn't that make you my alter?
Posted by DubyaDee40
Member since Mar 2013
105 posts
Posted on 8/5/15 at 12:55 pm to
Everything is a pollutant if you think about it rationally. You can die from breathing too much oxygen. You can die from drinking too much water. It's about balance. Humans aren't going to wipe out all life on Earth. Humans are just going to wipe out all other humans, or make it significantly harder for us to live. If we don't stop polluting the earth, the seas will rise, and Florida will sink into the ocean....

Wait. I get it now. You guys actually DO want the ice caps to melt don't you? Sneaky bastards...Suddenly, I see the big picture. Melt those ice caps boys.
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