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re: COVID Spike at UGA

Posted on 9/12/21 at 8:02 pm to
Posted by Sir Thomas Bombadil
Member since Jan 2020
40 posts
Posted on 9/12/21 at 8:02 pm to

You’re contending there are variants and this is why cases and hospitalizations are up 300%, and at the same time insisting the vaccine makes the vaxxed more protected than the unvaxxed.

How in the blue frick can you have it both ways?

Did the vaccine for the original strain suddenly begin protecting against the variants?

Here’s a clue… it hasn’t.

In your rambling diatribe, you have missed - or deliberately ignored - the materials I cited above, as well as the study you cited yourself. I've requoted below for convenience:


While this sounds discouraging, it’s important to keep three things in mind:

Vaccines remain highly effective at preventing severe disease.

Breakthrough infections among vaccinated individuals remain uncommon.

The majority of new COVID-19 infections in the US are among unvaccinated people.

Vaccines remain highly effective at preventing severe disease, breakthrough infections and disease among vaccinated individuals remain uncommon, and most of the new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. are among unvaccinated people.

(Again, emphasis added.)

It stands to reason that a more transmissible variant could result in significantly increased hospitalizations when most of the new cases are unvaccinated, and unvaccinated individuals have an 10x higher chance to be hospitalized compared to vaccinated individuals.

The vaccines are not as effective against the Delta variant as they were from the original variant, but the data show that they still provide significantly decreased risk of hospitalization/death, and some reduction in the chance of becoming infected in the first place.


So all these people with variants OBVIOUSLY have the same viral load particles as the unvaxxed.

Please quote me above where I disagree with this. Based on the information I have seen, vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals appear to carry the same viral loads upon infection. However, people disingenuously use that information to show vaccines aren't effective (as you are doing now), while ignoring that vaccines also decrease the risk of infection in the first place. If someone gets infected - sure, they carry the same viral load. But the studies I've linked above indicate a vaccinated individual is 4.5x less likely to be infected. If the individual is not infected, then they won't have a viral load.


Again, the powers at be are lying to us and some of you buffoons can’t process quite simple logic because you’re idiots, and you just gobble up whatever your tribe tells you.

So again, if vaxxed people can still transmit covid, and the vaxxed folks believe they are still somehow protected, why the hell do you care if anyone is unvaxxed?

Again, you've ignored what I said on this previously. And again, I've requoted below for convenience:


As stated above, vaccination reduces chance of infection (and hospitalization and death). Unvaccinated individuals are more likely to catch COVID; therefore, are more likely to spread it, which affects everyone (including vaccinated individuals).

If unvaccinated individuals are 4.5x more likely to be infected with COVID, it stands to reason that everyone is better off with everyone vaccinated, as there is a lower likelihood that an individual becomes infected, which reduces community spread.


Think for a moment on this hypothetical… let’s say everyone on the planet is vaxxed. Literally 100% global vaccination. Is covid suddenly gone? Are there no more hospitalizations and deaths?

It'd be nice if it worked that way. There wouldn't be a complete elimination, but based on the data cited above, there would be a substantial reduction in hospitalizations/deaths, and a noticeable reduction in transmission.


NO!!! Because the goddamn thing is going to mutate and the vaccine doesn’t do shite for any subsequent variant.

The vaccine is not as effective against Delta as it was Alpha, but the data show that transmissibility, hospitalization, and death still are reduced. In a perfect world, we'd see a 100% reduction in all of that; but I'll take a substantial reduction if 100% isn't attainable - it's not an all or nothing concept. As Volatire said: "Perfect is the enemy of good."


And now we have everyone in close quarters with max viral load again in their transmissible airways. Nobody has antibodies because the vaccine disrupts covid-recovered immunity, the mRNA spike proteins are causing ADE and more frequent mutations, and this fricking shite never ends.

When the solution is in viable treatments that we should be taking the instant we have symptoms. Treatments that would virtually eliminate hospitalizations, where it’s too freaking late to do anything but go on a ventilator and wait to die.

You keep focusing on treatments instead of prevention. There is some quote (that I'll paraphrase) that says something along the lines of "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." I have no qualms developing treatments to COVID cases, but to ignore prevention is a grave mistake. A seatbelt reduces your risk of death in a car accident, but not driving recklessly reduces your chance of needing the seatbelt.


But existing treatments don’t make Big Pharma money, and politicians can’t get their big campaign donations and kickbacks when that happens. So we’re stuck in this perpetual bull shite until folks like you stop being stupid and start realizing their stories don’t add up.

Your pharmacy conspiracy theories don't change the results of the data, which indicate that vaccines reduce transmissibility, hospitalization, and death.

So, either:

(1) the "powers that be" have so much power as to be able to influence scientists across the globe to drive some dystopian fantasy where everyone is getting tricked by BigPharma into being vaccinated because of campaign contributions by BigPharma, or

(2) these conspiracy theories bandied about on Facebook and elsewhere on the internet aren't based in reality, rely on ignoring arguments and data (which you have done above), cherry-pick information out of context (which you have done above), and resort to asking random "why" questions that no one is asking and dismissing any opposing position by referring to others as "buffoons," "idiots," part of some "tribe," etc. (again, which you have done above).

Occam's Razor suggests the latter.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 2:58 am to

But the studies I've linked above indicate a vaccinated individual is 4.5x less likely to be infected.
Here’s the point you’re missing… stop quoting lies from liars.

That 4.5x infection rate crap is complete bullshite. You’re quoting an organization that literally just had to change their formal definition of “vaccine” from “immunity” to just “protects against”. An organization that changes their covid “guidelines” with the wind (that conveniently ALWAYS just happen to assist the Left’s new narrative at just the right moment) and is clearly allowing the media and political Left to continually lie about treatments and call Nobel Prize winning HUMAN anti-virals, “horse dewormer” without an ounce of correction or even promotion for said possible treatments. An organization that admits 94% of all “covid deaths” are afflicted with co-morbidities, while also having a 99.7% recovery rate, and yet still classifying it as a “pandemic” and turning a blind eye to continual absurd government overreach which they actually make indirectly possible? An organization who’s top scientists and policy-makers are riddled with cronies of the Establishment and Big Pharma.

And you insist they are credible and we must believe them? GTFO

But again, how do you still not see your contradictions?

In August 2020 we averaged 60k cases/week. August 2021 we averaged 180k cases/week.

Over 210 million folks in the US are now vaccinated. About 65% to 35% vaxxed/unvaxxed.

This time last year it was 0% to 100% vaxxed/unvaxxed.

Then, you just said the reason we have a 300% increase in cases NOW compared to this time last year is because of the variant.

And even with over 210 million people vaxxed, you’re trying to tell me the virus with a 7% infection rate at maybe 130 million unvaxxed, even at 4.5x that infection rate, adds up to a 300% increase over when 100% weren’t vaxxed???

LOL. Here, I’ll rephrase that to highlight the absurdity.

So 340 million unvaxxed US population had 300% LESS cases this time last year than 130 million unvaxxed now…And we’re supposed to believe this is because the Delta variant has 4.5x the infection rate. And that’s also suggesting 100% of new cases are Delta variant, which they won’t be.

So how do we formally quantify this? We simply have to show that 4.5x the infection rate, which is what you and your sources claim is the result of the Delta variant on the unvaxxed, doesn’t extrapolate to a possible 300% increase at any point.

Hell, let’s just do the math and act like every new case going forward is a 4.5x greater transmissible variant on just the unvaccinated.

41 million total covid cases since Jan 2020 / 88 weeks in that time = ~466k cases per week on average x 52 weeks = ~25 million annual cases on average.

340 million people in US / 25 million cases = ~7% infection rate.

7% infection rate x 4.5x = 31.5%

31.5% of 130 million current unvaxxed = ~41 million.

But wait! If it were true that the unvaxxed are responsible for virtually all of the August 2021 covid cases, and thus the 300% increase, then that 41 million should have actually been around 75 million (25m x 300%).

41 / 75 = 55%

But it’s not. It’s only 55% there, leaving 45% of everyone else (meaning, the vaxxed).

So whatta ya know? 4.5x the infection rate on the existing unvaxxed doesn’t even give us 45% of the August 2021 increase over August 2020. And that’s also completely ignoring the fact that not all new cases are Delta variant and tens of millions of unvaxxed currently have antibodies to the original strain.

So how the hell do you explain the current 300% increase in cases now over this time last year when 4.5x the infection rate against the current ~130 million unvaxxed only accounts for 55% of the August’s difference?

If August 2020 averaged 60k cases/week, and that was 100% unvaxxed, then just using your 4.5x infection rate math, the current unvaxxed can only be responsible for 99k of the 180k August 2021 weekly cases average, leaving 81k cases to the vaxxed.

The math doesn’t come close to adding up, on top of the bunk logic being so absurd, but we’re supposed to believe the vaxxed aren’t the other near half of the current increase?

How do you possibly reconcile that? You literally have to display vapid cognitive dissonance and lie to yourself to somehow feign belief in your sources after doing the math plugging their own numbers into the equations.

On top of all this, countries like Israel, who are around 74% vaxxed, are now consistently explaining that over 50% of their current cases AND hospitalizations are their vaccinated. Same in Singapore and several other countries.

Which makes sense because they don’t have the same reasons our corrupt crony establishment have to lie.


You keep focusing on treatments instead of prevention. There is some quote (that I'll paraphrase) that says something along the lines of "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." I have no qualms developing treatments to COVID cases, but to ignore prevention is a grave mistake.
Uhhh, there is no “prevention”. Again, even the CDC has changed the definition to just “protects against”.

And, I just showed you using your own sourced numbers that “prevention” is a fantasy.

You are beyond obviously misinformed, and that’s because you just believe liars who have clear incentives to lie for personal gain. And by personal gain, I mean vast wealth and incredible power.

Again, the people and organizations you’re directly or indirectly sourcing, or at the very least do everything in their power to provide cover for the Establishment and Big Pharma, are the same folks who refuse to speak about treatments, lie about treatments, are in bed with and taking massive money from Big Pharma, are awarding Big Pharma trillions in covid/vaccine tax subsidies, are consistently insider trading on the stock market, censor people who discuss treatments, censor people who prove they’re lying, censor doctors and scientists who ask questions or assert concerns, bully pharmacists into not filling treatment prescriptions, bully doctors who prescribe treatments, are pushing wildly unwarranted mandates and gross overreach, continually have to change their vaccine efficacy claims, exaggerate the holy hell out of the actual potency and dangers of covid and who and why certain groups are or aren’t susceptible, ignore the fact that 94% of deaths have co-morbidities, refuse to discuss ADE, refuse to acknowledge actual breakthrough rates in highly vaxxed countries, hide side-effect data, consistently manipulate numbers and omit data to fear-monger, got mad when they heard Trump and Joe Rogan recovered from covid in 3 days from taking treatments, still insist Jan 6th was an insurrection but BLM riots and billions in damage were just peaceful protests, that Trump colluded with Russia and extorted the Ukrainian President but ignore Biden actually extorting the Ukrainian President and admitting it (bragging) on video, that Biden’s exit from Afghanistan was a huge success, an open border and shipping covid-positive illegal aliens into red states/cities is cool, shite all over the vaccine when Trump was doing operation warp-speed but then love it the instant they and Biden take over, praised a governor who quarantined covid patients in nursing homes then ignored it like it didn’t happen, that Nobel Prize winning human anti-virals are “horse dewormer”, and clearly also assert figures that don’t make the math add up to what their narratives purport.

I mean frick sake, how do some of you continue to afford this shite credibility and not see how insidious, credulous, and insanely corrupt and evil these people and organizations are? Wake the frick up.
This post was edited on 9/13/21 at 10:05 am
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 3:52 am to

So, either:

(1) the "powers that be" have so much power as to be able to influence scientists across the globe to drive some dystopian fantasy where everyone is getting tricked by BigPharma into being vaccinated because of campaign contributions by BigPharma, or

(2) these conspiracy theories bandied about on Facebook and elsewhere on the internet aren't based in reality, rely on ignoring arguments and data (which you have done above), cherry-pick information out of context (which you have done above), and resort to asking random "why" questions that no one is asking and dismissing any opposing position by referring to others as "buffoons," "idiots," part of some "tribe," etc. (again, which you have done above).

Occam's Razor suggests the latter.
No, it doesn’t.

How arrogant, naive, and gullible must you be to actually believe scientists who confirm your bias are all infallible, incorruptible, and ethical saints.

You are grossly underestimating the power of money and tribalism.

Most scientists are simply reading the same literature and studies from the same corrupted and/or politically tribal peers and academics. And those ones either stick together due to political affiliation and ideologies, or they are unethical and greedy enough to compromise their principles for the money they get to say and do the biddings of their benefactors.

It’s so crazy how most of you folks shite all over the wealthy elite and corporate industrial complex, consistently acknowledging they are corrupt, involved in political cronyism, and lie, cheat, and steal to amass their excessive profits at the expense of the under-classes.

That is until their corruption influences and assists one of your ideals and biases. I mean scientists and doctors who believe as you do are the only ones who can’t possibly be seduced by the corrupt elite. And if they are, well it must be the one time that they’re on the right side of greed and actually are ignoring the entire fricking structure and purpose of the pay-for-play incentive-based concept.

Seriously, GTFO with that horseshite.

There are dozens upon dozens of doctors and scientists who are proven experts in the field of virology, epidemiology, pharmacology, and/or treating diseased patients, and many who have conducted studies and had peer-reviewed writings on these categories published who contradict your assertions.

Hell, I just posted a 20 minute video from one a page back, for Christ sake.

So stop acting like there's some fricking consensus on this topic and only the qualified and intelligent are on your side.

This is why I insult and curse at you assclowns. You’re so full of shite it’s ridiculous. You don’t deserve respect or decorum.
This post was edited on 9/13/21 at 10:10 am
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