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re: The main reason I love Trump more today than a few weeks ago

Posted on 2/27/17 at 1:03 pm to
Posted by Tillman
Member since May 2016
12366 posts
Posted on 2/27/17 at 1:03 pm to

ell me more about this Bowling Green Massacre. I need to learn more about these alternative facts.

says a person who preferred a woman who lied about her helicopter taking sniper fire in Bosnia over Trump and a president in Obama who pushed a bill called Affordable Care Act that made insurance more expensive.

her alternative facts expression was an awkward expression that she used because she was trying to be diplomatic to the leftwing hack media because she was on CNN or another liberal outlet. the fact is CNN and other liberal outlets lie all the time, including saying there was nobody at Trump's inauguration, and they were using video of the national mall at 8.30 that morning to push this lie.

as i've point4ed out, you and other leftists think the liberal media decide what the facts are. they aren't the gatekeepers of the truth though.

the attacks on Conway for her Bowling Greeen faux pas can be described as kneejerk:


'When senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway misspoke and described a terrorist “massacre” in Bowling Green, Kentucky, it was a garbled reference to the fact that two Iraqi refugees who settled there turned out to be committed terrorists.

Although the refugees did not commit a massacre in Kentucky, one of them did in Iraq. The victims: American troops.'

n 2009, the Obama administration welcomed Iraqi Waad Ramadan Alwan to the U.S. as a refugee, and he settled in Bowling Green. From afar, he soon began an operation to help al Qaeda in Iraq kill Americans by providing advice on his specialty: building improvised explosive devices, a main killer of U.S. troops.

The FBI discovered his terrorist activities and inserted an informant, to whom Alwan bragged in recorded conversations about the Americans he had killed from 2003 to 2006. His motive in coming to the U.S., he said, was not altruistic: He wanted to obtain a passport so he could carry out his jihad around the world.

the reason COnway was talking about this is leftists like you are attacking Trump for his temperorary ban on immigrants from certain countries with an Islamic radical problem. liberals are more interested in piling on Conway for a faux pas than real problems like islamic terrorism which they deny is a threat.

I could not understand why Trump was sending Conway and other spokespersons onto the liberal media and fake news because all they want to do is gotcha. they have so much hate for Trump and their audience isn't open minded anyway, so what is the point in going on there.
This post was edited on 2/27/17 at 1:24 pm
Posted by GnashRebel
Member since May 2015
8197 posts
Posted on 2/27/17 at 1:25 pm to
My opinion is that all involved tried to manipulate the information provided the American people. The way the Trump team presented the danger of refugees is well documented.

The left and the media played careful games with their wording so they would not be called "liars" like Trump while attempting to be just as deceptive. They said that no Americans were killed by refugees/immigrants from the selected countries. What they left out was the foiled attacks or attacks on people in other countries by that same subset of people.
Posted by Tillman
Member since May 2016
12366 posts
Posted on 2/27/17 at 2:10 pm to
i don't think Trump and his people ever exxagerated anything. just 1 terrorist getting in can mean numerous Americans are killed.

Conway acknowledged she misspoke. what is funny is Chelsea Clinton mocked her on twitter, and COnway responded to her and mentioned her mother making up taking sniper fire in Bosnia. then Chelsea deleted her tweet.
This post was edited on 2/27/17 at 2:14 pm
Posted by Nuts4LSU
Washington, DC
Member since Oct 2003
25468 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 9:49 am to

rather him lie about meaningless shite than serious cover ups

Meaningless shite such as Russian involvement in sabotaging an American presidential election and possibly even colluding with one of the campaigns, but not serious cover ups like using a personal email server, right?
This post was edited on 2/28/17 at 10:00 am
Posted by Nuts4LSU
Washington, DC
Member since Oct 2003
25468 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 9:58 am to

the media is a complete joke. They are not on a search for truth. They are on a search for supporting their agenda. Conservative, liberal, whatever, they have a way they want each story to go and they will report that way regardless of the facts.

Journalism is in a very bad place right now.

I agree to some extent, but I do think that mainstream media sources, both conservative (Fox, WSJ, Washington Times, etc.) and liberal (CNN, NYT, WaPo, etc.) still make a sincere attempt to get the facts right. They may selectively report them to support a pre-determined narrative, but they usually do not simply make them up out of thin air and when they do get something wrong, they usually correct the error. If three good things happen and one bad thing happens and a media outlet only reports the one bad thing, that may indicate a bias and an agenda, but it's still at least reporting facts. The bad thing did, in fact, happen. That's why trying to conflate them with fake news outlets (which literally make up the facts out of thin air) is both dishonest and dangerous.


the media - as a legitimate source of objective fact finding - is dead.

Maybe, but I still have hope that it isn't too late. Maybe the biggest bullshitter ever to hold public office was just the jolt they needed to get back to doing their real job, which is to report the facts. Fact-checking is back in vogue after a long hiatus, and that's a good thing.
This post was edited on 2/28/17 at 10:02 am
Posted by Carolina Tide
Member since Jul 2013
5747 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 10:31 am to
Why do y'all insist on feeding our very own alt-right troll?
Posted by Carolina Tide
Member since Jul 2013
5747 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 10:45 am to
that's all a crock of shite and you know it. No news outlet ( outside of the right wing trump cheerleaders) won't even come near Conway because she's a lying amoral hack who is either contradicted by another member of Trump's cabinet, Trump himself, or a simple google search. Yet she and trolls like you accuse the actual journalist of being fake news while Trump tells at least one lie a day, everyday, since Jan 20th.
Posted by Tillman
Member since May 2016
12366 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 12:04 pm to

that's all a crock of shite and you know it. No news outlet ( outside of the right wing trump cheerleaders) won't even come near Conway because she's a lying amoral hack who is either contradicted by another member of Trump's cabinet, Trump himself, or a simple google search. Yet she and trolls like you accuse the actual journalist of being fake news while Trump tells at least one lie a day, everyday, since Jan 20th.

says a leftwing hack who voted for Lyin' HIllary.w

here's where you do a predictable rountine about how you aren't liberal and you didn't vote for Hillary.

how has Conway been contradicted? give some examples of that. She has admitted she misspoke on the Bowling Green massacre, she was referring to two terrorists that lived there and were aiding in terrorism in Iraq against our soldiers.
This post was edited on 2/28/17 at 12:09 pm
Posted by Tillman
Member since May 2016
12366 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 12:05 pm to

hy do y'all insist on feeding our very own alt-right troll?

i'm not alt-right. you letwingers use that word for every conservative or person opposed to your far left agenda. anybody who disagrees with you is a racist.

this topic seems to be geared for Trump supporters, so I'm confused to how I can be called a troll on it.
This post was edited on 2/28/17 at 12:17 pm
Posted by TeLeFaWx
Dallas, TX
Member since Aug 2011
29179 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 1:38 pm to

Meaningless shite such as Russian involvement in sabotaging an American presidential election and possibly even colluding with one of the campaigns, but not serious cover ups like using a personal email server, right?

How about using the personal email server to take millions of dollars from the Russians, not disclosing that they had received that they received that money, and then immediately green light giving 20% of our uranium to the Russians? I find the moral outrage from the left here, about what happened with a Presidential nominee with no power, to be quite comical when they gave zero fricks about Hilldog being the Secretary of State and like... Having tangible benefits actually go to the Russians for her personal political and financial gain when she was arguably the third most powerful person in the world at the time. And then when people found out she was taking millions from foreign nationals she wasn't disclosing, using her position to give them ridiculous favorable treatment that compromised our national interests, hosting a private email to hide said transactions, and then was subpoenaed to get said emails, deleted 33,000 of them, destroyed laptops and phones with hammers, had her husband leverage the Attorney General to not be charged... It's almost amazing how the outrage over Trump dealing with the Russians couldn't be more perfect to show hypocrisy. If Hilldog's shenanigans revolved around a different country it wouldn't be so easy to highlight, but here we are... The same people silent over Hilldog are the ones freaking out.
Posted by TeLeFaWx
Dallas, TX
Member since Aug 2011
29179 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 1:39 pm to

i'm not alt-right.

Agreed. You're a social justice warrior.
Posted by Carolina Tide
Member since Jul 2013
5747 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 3:26 pm to

says a leftwing hack who voted for Lyin' HIllary.w

I sure did. As did most of the country. And let's not talk about lies, seeing as Trump has literally told a lie everyday. And it ranges, from terror attacks that NEVER happened, to trivial shite like the fricking weather at his inauguration.


here's where you do a predictable rountine about how you aren't liberal and you didn't vote for Hillary.

And here is where you are wrong, as per usual. Here is the tread from election day, where even YOU posted

I've always made it clear that I've supported Clinton, given the alternative. And I can still say 112 days later that I made the correct decision.


how has Conway been contradicted? give some examples of that

It would be my pleasure



She has admitted she lied



Bowling Green massacre, she was referring to two terrorists that lived there and were aiding in terrorism in Iraq against our soldiers.

First of all, this isn't even the first time she told that lie. LINK

And according to the FBI,

the two men “admitted using improvised explosive devices (IEDs) against U.S. soldiers in Iraq and … attempted to send weapons and money to al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) for the purpose of killing U.S. soldiers.” The FBI did not say the two men traveled back to the Middle East to train for an attack. And there was no attack on U.S. soil.

So she completely made up a terror attack out of thin air. I have a strong feeling that you have a twitter account (something tells me more than one) so I know you've seen those tweets honoring the "victims" from that horrible tragedy.

You (and most of this board) want to shite on me and the other liberals for supporting Clinton while you support this corrupt, immoral, proven pathological liar with absolutely no ethics whatsoever.

Sadly she is only a small part in this tumultuous cabinet.
Posted by Carolina Tide
Member since Jul 2013
5747 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 3:27 pm to

Agreed. You're a social justice warrior.

He's a lot of things, but he's not that. The complete opposite actually.
Posted by Carolina Tide
Member since Jul 2013
5747 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 3:32 pm to

i'm not alt-right.

You're right, you're a pepe troll.


you letwingers use that word for every conservative or person opposed to your far left agenda.

Just like rightwingers use words like "cuck", "libtard", or "snowflake". Hell people on here even use the word liberal or sjw as a slur. Half of y'all don't even know what the words mean.


anybody who disagrees with you is a racist.

And anybody who disagrees with you is fake news. And y'all throw out the race cards just as much as the democrats, especially when you're trying to explain how the dems are somehow the only racist party in America.
Posted by Carolina Tide
Member since Jul 2013
5747 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 3:32 pm to

i'm not alt-right.

You're right, you're a pepe troll.


you letwingers use that word for every conservative or person opposed to your far left agenda.

Just like rightwingers use words like "cuck", "libtard", or "snowflake". Hell people on here even use the word liberal or sjw as a slur. Half of y'all don't even know what the words mean.


anybody who disagrees with you is a racist.

And anybody who disagrees with you is fake news. And y'all throw out the race cards just as much as the democrats, especially when you're trying to explain how the dems are somehow the only racist party in America.
Posted by Tillman
Member since May 2016
12366 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 4:39 pm to

ed. You're a social justice warrior.

says the guy always telling me to shut up and go away when I express an opinion. SJW = person who wants to silence other people
Posted by Tillman
Member since May 2016
12366 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 4:42 pm to

Just like rightwingers use words like "cuck", "libtard", or "snowflake". Hell people on here even use the word liberal or sjw as a slur. Half of y'all don't even know what the words mean.

anybody who disagrees with you is a racist.

And anybody who disagrees with you is fake news. And y'all throw out the race cards just as much as the democrats, especially when you're trying to explain how the dems are somehow the only racist party in America.

i rarely use any of those words. i've never used 'cuck' or 'libtard'. why d0n't you respond to what I say rather than biatch about things I don't say.

I never said an opniion in disagreement with mine is 'fake news'. that is an opinion, not news.

my point was when America was racist, Democratic party was the racist party. only reason I made this point is leftwingers like you are always trying to smear GOP as racist. i have never said all or most Democrats today are racist but I suspect most racists are Democrats or non-GOP.
This post was edited on 2/28/17 at 4:43 pm
Posted by Tillman
Member since May 2016
12366 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 4:47 pm to

So she completely made up a terror attack out of thin air. I have a strong feeling that you have a twitter account (something tells me more than one) so I know you've seen those tweets honoring the "victims" from that horrible tragedy.

You (and most of this board) want to shite on me and the other liberals for supporting Clinton while you support this corrupt, immoral, proven pathological liar with absolutely no ethics whatsoever.

Sadly she is only a small part in this tumultuous cabinet.

this is my point, you voted for a woman who made up taking sniper fire in Bosnia for PRESIDENT. SHe lied about emailing classified email and having a private illegal server, and she deleted 33,000 emails subpeonaed by Congress.

but you have this faux outrage over an adviser to Trump who made a faux pas. her larger point was that some of the people coming into this country are terrorists and criminals but you are so lelftwing that sensible vetting and immigration policy makes you angry and irrational so you start lashsing out at people at Conway and playing gotcha games.

SHe's acknowledged her misstak, the woman that ran for president never acknowledged she lied.

if have a problem with liars, then why did you vote for one of the most dishonest politicians of all time. you are a hack and a hypocrite.

Do you deny that there were two 'refugee' terrorists living in Bowling Green that were aiding in setting explosives in Iraq to kill American soldiers? if you were a good and rational person, this would disturb you but what you are concerned about is attacking Conway for a faux pas. you are as petty as a person can be.
This post was edited on 2/28/17 at 4:50 pm
Posted by MIZ_COU
I'm right here
Member since Oct 2013
13771 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 5:17 pm to
You have wet dreams about giving Trump blow jobs

don't you
Posted by Tillman
Member since May 2016
12366 posts
Posted on 2/28/17 at 5:19 pm to

You have wet dreams about giving Trump blow jobs

don't you

you have the same about Hillary. everybody knows she has one.

don't you

anybody can do this callow crude empty rhetoric.

i never said Trump is perfect, and I did not even vote for him in the primary. most of the discussion on this topic hasn't even been about Trump specifically.

This post was edited on 2/28/17 at 5:22 pm
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