Jason Getz-USA TODAY Sports
Ole Miss defensive lineman Robert Nkemdiche released the following statement and apologized for the Atlanta hotel incident where he fell from a 4th floor window and was later charged with marijuana possession.

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Placebeaux105 months
He needs some milk
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KCT105 months
Damage control regarding the NFL draft.

That's all this is.
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Dignan105 months
I'm no fan of Nkimdeche, but comparing his self inflicted and embarrassing accident to Jeremy Hill forcing a 14 yr old to perform oral sex, isn't exactly a fair comparison.
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Nix to Twillie105 months
"at least he didnt have sex with a teenager. "

Neither did Jeremy Hill. And the "team vote" thing had nothing to do with that. Read something.
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vjp819105 months
the only people who believe his statement are ole myth people.
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HailFreezusOver105 months
what was the first, second, third, and fourth chance for Rob?

please list.

at least he didnt have sex with a teenager.
Team Vote

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BayouTiga105 months
That is enough for sleezy freeze (second chance, third chance, fourth chance, frick chance freeze) He will play in the Sugar Bowl!!!
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HailFreezusOver105 months
Blatantly lying?
MSU fan having trouble with comprehension I am shocked.

He doesnt say he wasnt on drugs or alcohol, he says it wasnt synthetic drugs as was put out by FoxSports.

you are mad on the internet and your hate for ole miss/ lack of intelligence is showing.
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tigersells105 months
Ok so what's next for this young man in his life ??
I mean he has the "plant form" and from what has been shown
to date its contrary to parents/his "core values"..
What in the WORLD is 'spice'??? No,I do not want any just curious
as to what these kids are doing now days
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PorkRoast105 months
So blatantly lying isn't gonna that draft plummet, Bobby.
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SwayzeBalla105 months
He's the victim
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GalvoAg105 months
Just legalize the real deal already. No more kids jumping out of windows, just eating Doritos.
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presidenthog105 months
Dude did spice. idc what he says you don't get that high or stupid from weed. that spice will make you hallucinate.
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