We've all seen Alabama head coach Nick Saban give reporters at press conferences the business when asking questions he feels aren't the best. The guys at decided to throw one of their rookie reporters into the fire on media day last week to see exactly what it's like to be one of those guys. And yes, it is as tough as it looks...

Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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sullivanct19a104 months
He should have asked Saban how he would rate Kaylee Hartung on the OT scale.
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CaptainJ47104 months
That my friends is a freaking beta
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Chuker104 months
that reporter is a major fricking pussy. You're a grown man asking another grown man a question. It's not that hard.
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Farkwad104 months
Did an Alabama fan post this? Geeeez
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Placebeaux104 months
Thats a weak arse question. Now here is a ballsy question for coach:

Coach Saban, using the OT scale for women, just how hot was Candy Picou?
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TigerFanatic99104 months
This is some really dumb shite that really doesn't belong on Tigerdroppings. Make a post on the Alabama board or SEC rant with this kind of shite.
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