Shanna Lockwood-USA TODAY Sports
After speaking his mind about satellite camps on Tuesday, Alabama head coach Nick Saban was blasted on Twitter by Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh.

On Wednesday, Saban had the following response to Harbaugh's tweet...

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Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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STRIPES100 months
TWITTER??? LOL. Please. This is like two Junior High School girls having a spat. Saban and Harbaugh look stupid and should at least ACT like they are grown men. Funny but sad.
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TouchdownTony100 months
Love me some Nick Saban. DONT CARE what he thinks LOL. Harbaugh tries so hard to draw attention to himself and believes no pub is bad pub. Nick took the high road but inside you just know he'd love for UM to be good enough for the Playoffs. Look what did to his good friend Dantonio. Harbaugh would be humiliated.
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TouchdownTony100 months
Love me some Nick Saban. DONT CARE what he thinks LOL. Harbaugh tries so hard to draw attention to himself and believes no pub is bad pub. Nick took the high road but inside you just know he'd love for UM to be good enough for the Playoffs. Look what did to his good friend Dantonio. Harbaugh would be humiliated.
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Rabern57100 months
The sad part is Saban actually believes that he has people fooled into believing he cares about someone besides himself. Saban is just worried it's going to get twisted into 3rd parties recruiting for schools and he looses the advantages of businesses like ttown menswear recruiting for only him.
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sardog12100 months
Harbaugh may have been childish with is tweet but anyone who believes that Saban is saying "what I think is best for CFB & the players” has deluded themselves. Rabern is correct in that his primary and likely only concern is himself and how he can benefit from this. If his players or CFB do, then good for them, but that is just an unintended extra.
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Montezuma100 months
Harbaugh looks foolish for using twitter for potshots as a grown man. Saban just treated like a child in response.
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hogNsinceReagan100 months
The Harbaugh tweet was so dumb to, lol.
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GeauxTigerNation100 months
I like that he's not stooping down to high school levels of immaturity. Cheers Mr. Saban.
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