Bama OL Cam Robinson Tweets Dig At School Claiming To Be 'DBU'
Tim Heitman-USA TODAY Sports
At this point I think there are like 5-10 schools who have declared themselves "Defensive Back University" in the last year or two. Alabama offensive lineman Cam Robinson must have been a little bored on this Friday, as he tweeted out a little dig at those schools claiming to be "DBU"...
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Trash talking in February...nice.

Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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ThaKaptin103 months
"Listen up Cam. You made your choice. Enjoy it because when you are done with Football you will always be treated as a traitor in Louisiana. If you are showing such interest in LSU then I suppose you are already hearing just a little of the
"We don't know you nor care about you" attitude from your home state which you turned your back on. I work around many LSU supporters and some are from Monroe/West Monroe and your name is equivalent to "traitor" and always will be. Just know that any rings or titles you may get are badges of deceipt in your Home state."

"Traitor to his first high school, his second high school, his state university, his state. If ISIS had a football team he would be the first to join."

Traitor? Sorry but I dont see how playing football where you have the greatest chance for success is in any way traitorous given the current landscape of college football. You wanna get butthurt because a good player left the state? Get in fricking line. EVERY state has good players that go elsewhere, even the self proclaimed home of anything worth a shite ever, Texas.... come to think of it ESPECIALLY Texas.

Get over yourself and your school. It's already a has been. LSU will soon be using the same moniker that Ole Miss used for years "Don't win many games but never lose a party" LOL
user avatar
Bama Eric103 months
Lot of butthurt coonasses up in here for real.
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bamasgot13103 months
Predictable LSU responses - good luck finding a job in LA when you're finished playing. You guys need a new response to these things.

And for the record, IF he ever needs a job after his playing days are done, there will be ample opportunity for him to find gainful employment in the state where he won titles. Get a grip, LSU fans. Not every kid goes back to their "home" state to find work. Perhaps some of you should leave the state every now and then to realize there is a wealth of opportunity in this country outside of the state of Louisiana.
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19103 months
"Are people from Baton Rouge making fun of people from Alabama? Now that's some comedy right there, Loo-tennant Dayun."

And the Gumps just keep gumping, and gumping...
user avatar
utstnx103 months
i love it. Roll Tide.
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jeffsdad103 months
Traitor to his first high school, his second high school, his state university, his state. If ISIS had a football team he would be the first to join.
user avatar
STRIPES103 months
Listen up Cam. You made your choice. Enjoy it because when you are done with Football you will always be treated as a traitor in Louisiana. If you are showing such interest in LSU then I suppose you are already hearing just a little of the
"We don't know you nor care about you" attitude from your home state which you turned your back on. I work around many LSU supporters and some are from Monroe/West Monroe and your name is equivalent to "traitor" and always will be. Just know that any rings or titles you may get are badges of deceipt in your Home state.
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Patton103 months
It's crazy how many of you people catch feelings over what some college kid tweets.
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TutHillTiger103 months
Soon to be working at a McDonald's in Bama.
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Mulerider103 months
I remember talking to a WM coach during the kid's senior year and asking where he was going to end up. The coach said probably no where because he was so bad in the class room that no matter where he went someone would have to do all of his work for him to get him and then keep him eligible. The WM coach said that he was two things: an amazing talent, and dumber than dirt. Sounds accurate.
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Shakita Bonita103 months
Oh look another Bama player from Louisiana rustled over LSU. Move on Cam, you just won the NC.
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dreaux103 months
Who gives a fricking frick
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Weaver103 months
Who cares.
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eugene1928LSU103 months
Juice, I couldn't hire him at the sandwich,#1 he's an inbred now,(like you) #2 he'd eat all the profits.
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Monroelegend103 months
Enjoy trying to get work in LA when your football career is over, Cam!
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Gary Busey103 months
L5U fans sure are butt hurt
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LSU Coyote103 months
LSU fans sure let a talented 20yr old kid get under their skin. Harmless trash talk, why so angry?
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lsuhou74103 months
Double down on deeez nuts.....gump
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WM103 months
He's not even liked in his hometown. Came to West Monroe during his bye week and got booed. But that $7
0,000 truck he's driving sure is nice.
user avatar
themunch103 months
Nice picture of a Bama Hold.
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