Avery Johnson Lays Down Dance After Win, Team Goes Crazy
Shanna Lockwood-USA TODAY Sports
After Alabama beat rival Auburn 65-57 on Saturday, Crimson Tide head coach Avery Johnson laid down some dance moves that made his team very excited...
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Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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eddieray103 months
Aw, that's cute. But if you watch long enough, you can see him over-coaching the dance steps
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eddieray103 months
Aw, that's cute. But if you watch long enough, you can see him over-coaching the dance steps
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eddieray103 months
Aw, that's cute. But if you watch long enough, you can see him over-coaching the dance steps
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TheBadgerOfHoney103 months
Better than Johnny jones running off on the plug twice in the locker room
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Honest Tune103 months
He went to Southern, home of the Human Jukebox... errone round dere can dantz.
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Fus0623103 months
Hit dem folk
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