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re: To the single baby mamas

Posted by mahdragonz on 6/15/24 at 12:51 pm
Don't knock up whores and life is easy. Stick with the woman you impregnate and everyone wins. ...
Yes. But women in their 20s attracted to old men are usually mentally ill. And that's not attractive at all. Daddy issues are revolting. ...
[quote]11 pm to bulldog95 Not that I'm special, but this news has completely ruined my day. I hope somebody takes liberties with the MF that did this to those poor girls. [/quote] My wife works in women's health and has done medical work with sex traffic women in Eastern Europe & Central As...
[quote]No, i just don’t want to do something that may make her snap …we will be having accountable conversations but it’s too raw right now. Edited: She was home for a few days and left again/ this time she was alone so i haven’t been stressing because the kids are with me. Conversation i...
Humans are chaotic neutral. They will do what they want to serve their own purpose. Sometimes that purpose might help another human and sometimes it might harm them. ...

re: Worst coffee brand

Posted by mahdragonz on 6/4/24 at 4:10 pm
If some wives like purses and shoes, my wife is a confirmed coffee lover. She orders all these rare and expensive coffees. She mostly has excellent tastes. But she LOVES Cafe Bustelo. It is the most horrid rancid coffee I've ever tasted. She drinks it at least once a week. It could be a purgative...
Didn't he say he was going to get rid of Obamacare? ...

re: Surrounded by Incompetent people

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/30/24 at 5:05 pm
I just heard he had two attorneys that had never tried a criminal trial before. I'm trying not to troll but why would anyone use a novice, Trump or not? ...
Nobody wants a man in heels. Sorry Ron. ...
He looked bad and old. He's spent his whole life avoiding trials. He knows it's over. ...
He paid a hooker, tried to cover it up, and it could have changed the election. It violated a law and he was guilty. Now he's a felon. ...

re: Still voting Trump.

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/30/24 at 4:15 pm
He'll drop out within the fortnight. ...

re: Trump just won the election

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/30/24 at 4:14 pm
A lot of donors won't back a criminal. This is the end of the road for Trump. It's not the court trial, it's that he didn't have the juice to thwart it. ...

re: We backing Nikki or Ron now?

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/30/24 at 4:11 pm
That's why they all bent the knee. ...
He paid a hooker, tried to cover it up, and it could have changed how people voted. That makes a crime. Probably a lot of people with a working brain cell, so in America, maybe 10 percent. ...
[quote] In conclusion, hysteria can be cured with a good dose of D[/quote] That wife is likely getting a lot of D in all those hotel rooms she's burning money on. I mean, yeah, let's hope it's at least a suite where she sticks her kid in another room that she's spirited away from their fathe...

re: Roanoke VA for retirement?

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/20/24 at 7:14 pm
You would have a better quality of life in Denver. No comparison. How much are you saving when you're retired? ...
Transgenderism is like women who get breast implants. They aren't happy with the body they were born with. Maybe it's mental illness, but it doesn't impact my life so I let people live like they want. ...
[quote]ended calling the police bc shite needed to deescalate - they came, they asked questions and arrested her- i clearly didn’t want that bc she wasn’t attacking me per say, she wasn’t in her right mind - they says, we listened to you and we listened to her and decided she needed to removed from ...
Your wife has left you and you are in denial. Block the money and get a lawyer. What else do you want to hear? ...