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re: True Blood Season 3

Posted by lsutiger_08 on 7/11/10 at 9:34 pm
Was this episode worth me staying up to catch it online tonight?...
I think I'm done speculating. We'll find out Thursday....
Damn. That sort of takes the fun out of it....
[quote] Is it worth buying?[/quote] Eventually someone will put them up on JustinTV. I always wait for that, and post here when its up....
[quote]The most useless one on the show thus far has to be Kristen. She hasn't been in the spotlight at all 2 shows in. [/quote] She's the spotlight of the show in my pants. That's all I need....
I hope MeowMeow doesn't get any sort of power..Ever. Two episodes down, and I'm still firmly on Team Kristen/Britney/PleaseMakeOut...
I just want to know who the saboteur is. I mean, I know they are probably acting at CBS's behest, but who the hell would want to target Britney? ...
[quote]How ya been? [/quote] Good now that my Hamsters are here! Why are we such suckers for trashy reality gameshows? ...
[quote]When do they reveal the saboteur to us? [/quote] I'm pretty sure I read it's this Thursday at the live eviction....
I don't even know why I watch the shows anymore. I know everything that happens a week ahead :banghead:...

re: Cox....

Posted by lsutiger_08 on 7/11/10 at 7:03 pm
Overreact much?...

re: Friday night lights series

Posted by lsutiger_08 on 7/10/10 at 2:28 pm
Yea there is very little football played on the show. But, it's really good acting and a really good plot line....

re: I need a series to watch

Posted by lsutiger_08 on 7/10/10 at 11:20 am
Skins. You will love it....
Hell yea I would. This disaster might actually mean I stand a chance at getting a job out of school...

re: Pickling Peppers

Posted by lsutiger_08 on 7/9/10 at 3:51 pm
I'd like my peppers to get spicier, rather than have it be sweet. Is there a way to do that?...

re: Pickling Peppers

Posted by lsutiger_08 on 7/9/10 at 9:51 am
[quote]I have the recipe I used at the house, I will post later if you like.[/quote] That would be great. It's the broke part of the month, so I'll be spending my Friday night pickling. :lol:...

Pickling Peppers

Posted by lsutiger_08 on 7/9/10 at 9:36 am
I've got some fresh cayenne, banana, and jalapeno peppers I'd like to pickle. Anyone know how I go about doing this?...
[quote]Funny thing is the two nominated are already hooking up in the house. [/quote] Which is exactly why CBS is going to reach its long arm into the house and ensure that NEITHER of them go home....