Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:the wood behind the wood shed is me
Interests:Golf, Finance, College Football
Occupation:Union advisor
Number of Posts:126
Registered on:11/5/2012
Online Status:Not Online

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Vegas and Family Friendly used in the same sentence. Nice. Drink 3 bottles of water before you arrive, it's dry and HOT. Shade, water, shade. ...

re: 1908 National Champions?

Posted by LSUAZ on 4/24/24 at 9:46 pm
did they win more games or go undefeated with the rules that were at hand? Then shut your pie hole and give the champions whats due....
Love the responses as it's what I figured - Team over Country. Maybe they didn't realize it was going to happen then but you either stand for the flag or you don't. No 2 ways about it. Apologize, move on and don't let it happen again. God, country, family, friends, teams but never Bama....
What color is the sky in your world?...
dumb - it never rains in Tiger Stadium - for football Basketball - chance of rain "all day" Football - chance of rain "never" how about some swollen wood floor just from the humidity....I cant tell you how dumb this idea is. Lets acclimate the wood floor if the stadium was able to be enclos...

re: Difference between Burrow and JD …

Posted by LSUAZ on 12/21/23 at 9:25 am
Burrow - undefeated. Never missed a game....
sey cigol - have another one...

re: Why is it said JD5 was no good at ASU?

Posted by LSUAZ on 12/10/23 at 7:57 pm
Year 2 was covid and I believe he lost his grandmother. I always wondered why he dropped off but the loss explains it. He put in the work this past off season and from game 3 on it showed........
if x equal y then kentucky beat florida last year so since Louisville lost to kentucky this year that makes them better than FSU becasue FSU only won because their second string QB played....make it stop...

re: The fix was in

Posted by LSUAZ on 12/4/23 at 3:44 pm
The whole thing seems a bit scammish Don't forget the injury clause which should work both ways - the FSU second team QB would be back for the playoff and Georgia would have both of their top receivers back to 100% What if what if what if There is only 1 team that would be favored over UGA ...
if were buts and candy were nuts.... they won, all they did was win with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd string QB. ...

re: Lets see yours

Posted by LSUAZ on 12/3/23 at 10:18 am
UM UW UGA FSU followed by Texas and Gump metldowns...
Best win? obviously Mizzou but thats the thought....
3 losses and a bad D. Not a chance...

re: BAD CALLS - Georgia, UW, UM and FSU

Posted by LSUAZ on 12/3/23 at 10:05 am
Not blaming the loss ONLY on that, its a missed call that changed the game and possibly the playoffs. That 4th and 4 was just before halftime. It changed the result. These are all opinions #1 UM #2 UW #3 UGA #4 FSU ...

re: BAD CALLS - Georgia, UW, UM and FSU

Posted by LSUAZ on 12/3/23 at 9:55 am
by a missed call....

BAD CALLS - Georgia, UW, UM and FSU

Posted by LSUAZ on 12/3/23 at 9:49 am
Georgia gets in (4th & 4 was a drop) FSU, UW and UM No way they don't take Georgia overlooking the obvious missed call landing bama in the end zone after the botched 4th and 4 call. #1 Seed UM #2 Seed UW #3 Seed Georgia #4 Seed FSU...
its about a body of work and they just beat a good team to win their conference. 0 chance they are left out....
Georgia will be picked over Bama. Triggering a meltdown of epic proportions... :rotflmao:...